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Everything posted by Drax

  1. Fascinating bridge.. GLWTS
  2. That was my first thought. It's the most immediate 'wrong' when you see it
  3. If it felt good, and sounded good, I'd say they're not flaws but 'character' and keep it. But you've gotta be happy yourself, if you're not happy absolutely swap it. I must be easily pleased
  4. Bests - Amazon cheap wireless, one less tangle at home. https://www.amazon.co.uk/gp/product/B07L5B64RG/ref=ppx_yo_dt_b_search_asin_title?ie=UTF8&psc=1 Sire P7 and V3 too, both this year. P7 so won me over I sold my Roscoe. Worsts - trial and error on 5 string flats cost a lot. Settled on 760FS-Bs.
  5. Funnily enough was sent this yesterday Generally think of Prince as someone who would be regarded in the top ranks on thier instrument, if they didn't play so many instruments.
  6. Not faulty Design is form and function. How well it does the job, how it looks doing it.
  7. Might have already been said Wooden pickguards Wooden pickup covers Wooden volume / tone knobs Those Warwick wooden tuning pegs Basically wood where there should be metal / plastic
  8. +1 for NYXLs. One of the more pliable hex cores out there, sound great. If string stiffness is ongoing issue, DRs are a great round core choice.
  9. Great Stephen Fry quote on Critics “Picture this scene. A critic arrives at the gates of heaven. 'And what did you do?' asks Saint Peter. 'Well', says the dead soul. 'I criticised things'. 'I beg your pardon?' 'You know, other people wrote things, performed things, painted things and I said stuff like, "thin and unconvincing", "turgid and uninspired", "competent and serviceable,"...you know'.”
  10. Alas injured leg so can't ride 'his' bike anymore..
  11. Ryan Thaxter was the guy selling...
  12. Geddy book isn't Rushy at all, just a massive bass porn book. £40 though
  13. Welcome! Great username 👏
  14. Did 1000's of hours of essays to this
  15. Pantera. Decade not selling records as joke hair metal, big makeover, and commercial success with Cowboys from Hell and Vulgar Display of Power, both great.
  16. Only if Anne was in the middle and we were smothering her
  17. Always wonder if some of the heated debate threads on here that derail, where someone takes umbrage with another's taste - wouldn't escalate if there was a 'politely disagree' button. Not sure what the symbol should be, maybe 🤔
  18. Pale, male and stale they say. You're definitely two of these but not past your sell by date yet Happy birthday mate.
  19. Beautiful! Wish I had the funds... GLWTS
  20. Great shout. Epic video and song. Michael Jackson videos were always a world event as a kid. Me and my brother owned the Thriller VHS - full 13min version, with John Landis 'Making of' . Watched it 1000's of times, still enjoy it today.
  21. If you’re set on getting a P bass to learn on - and has to be white / rosewood / tort - the Squier 60s Classic Vibe will be pretty much exactly the same look and feel. I’d wager if you got this you would love it.
  22. I'm starting the sponsorship with £25 to charity of your choice
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