Hey Grassie, I usually just enjoy everyones great stories and knowledge vicariously without uttering a word but I felt compelled to answer you due to the fact you just described myself from music taste to current band situation, I found it uncanny, we are the same age as well, bizarre,lol. I had no idea I had a twin brother in the Isle of Wight! and I was just watching a Level 42 documentary the other night. You have impeccable music taste of which I would like to add Duran Duran, +1 on the Jamiroquai big Zender and Paul Turner fan, and of course Tom Jenkinson who makes me weep with musical impotence,lol. I thought I was the only bassist that was heavy into music production for electronic music, very into warp,hyperdub, hessle audio and ninjatune artists. It would be great to visit the Isle of wight and jam out on bass, get crazy pedantic about gear, grab a pint and look at pretty girls, alas while I have lived in Germany for ten years I am currently in a backwards, illiterate, cultural black hole in the United States, oh well, dare to dream anyways Grassie my bass brother take care!