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Captain Bass

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Everything posted by Captain Bass

  1. [quote name='Wolverinebass' timestamp='1346354676' post='1788308'] You know, I was going to ask that for a laugh, but since Charic has done it for me I can now say it seriously. Really, really nice playing. [/quote] Cheers man, gonna have some tabs for requested parts (for free) on my website's forum Apart from that I will be selling full tabs with tutorial videos stripping down my technique
  2. [quote name='Blademan_98' timestamp='1345575326' post='1779084'] How many hours a day do you practice? A serious question. I don't think I could reach that speed even if I gave up work and sat on the bass 24/7 [/quote] I have always played to a metronome and I challenge myself to practice to higher bpm's. It may sound a bit obsessive but I record myself to check transient peaks to the beat map within my DAW to improve on my timing, especially with polyrhythmic material. This way when any of my drummer friends say 'you were not tight in that section' I can tell them to shove their drum sticks up their %^&$@ Also i'm a young looking 30 year old (or so i've been told ) who has been playing since the tender age of 15 and didn't get invited out by any of the cool kids at school
  3. I'm in the process of putting together some packs for my website including - tabs + tutorial videos + slowed down MP3's of sections. I am gonna be selling these from my site but my basschat brothers/sisters will get some tabs for free :-) Thanks for the support
  4. [quote name='urb' timestamp='1344545872' post='1766365'] Andy - this sh*t is ridiculous - I mean if you weren't doing it so damn well I'd probably actually dislike it - but I don't I totally dig it because you absolutely nail everything you want to nail - musically it's not my bag but I 100% admire you and your dedication and skill - my only advice is just go as hard as you can at this and see where the hell you end up - it could be both interesting and profitable Keep it the hell up my man Mike [/quote] I'm glad you can understand what i'm trying to do mate. I am on the fence if I should carry on in this direction of if I should create another EP completely different. Have you got a new album out yet? if so i'd like to do an album swap again? Hope you are well buddy, Andy
  5. [quote name='dood' timestamp='1344548790' post='1766418'] Well executed in the bass department, no doubt about that. The only thing I'd suggest is that unfortunately the backing track is really badly clipping throughout through my monitors. Pull the overall level back and work on the mastering and you'll be laughing. Drop D tuning yeah? [/quote] Yeh drop D dood! I thought the same about the clipping when I exported the video from Adobe Premiere. However the actual EP which is on iTunes has been professionally summed and mastered to not peak beyond 0db so I am blaming my poor video editing skills!
  6. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AXgmtNZrrDU I got a bit happy with all the video fx, so I also uploaded a version with them taken off. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dhuTdto4Hzo
  7. [media]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eR8cURl-KbQ[/media] [media]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cl-1KoQZjjU[/media]
  8. The idea behind this EP was from being in progressive rock/metal bands with guitarist's who were stepping more and more into my territory. i.e. by getting an 8 string guitar with bass strings on. And also by bands like Animals As Leaders who do not have a bassist because the two guitarists use 8 string guitars. I play guitar myself and recorded guitar on my first bass driven album EOTT. But I wondered if it was at all possible to make a heavy sounding 5 track EP with just bass guitar and programmed drums?? with no samples, no guitar, just a lot of plugins. This release is definately not going to be for everyone's tastes!! but do not worry as I have another release very soon that will soothe your soul called 'The Reunion' (see below) Drum & Bass EP preview [media]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vnraFUYVcys[/media] The Reunion [media]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dSfqVYQcN3s[/media]
  9. Last bump before this great bargain 800watt 8ohm light weight cab goes onto eBay. 450
  10. I will consider a part exchange for a decent combo amp?
  11. [media]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nQcehK0802A[/media]
  12. Mark Bass Cab Update - Considering a possible trade for a cab and head? or loud combo to do covers gigs with?
  13. [quote name='fluffo' timestamp='1332788309' post='1593166'] I would have had this cab last week, but it was on hold for someone else. I'm sorted now unfortunatley [/quote] As Homer Simpson often says - "DOH!!!"
  14. 4x10 back on the market! any one interested?
  15. Hi my bass brothers, Just wanted to let you guys know about my new project! (as i've been solo doing my youtube stuff for a while now) "The Reunion" is primarily acoustic guitar and bass, easy listening but technical (and trying bloody hard to meet somewhere in the middle of that) My friend (who is a bit of a star from Thailand, going under the name Aplin) is influenced by the same candy rat artist's as me who play the new age acoustic percussive style (with tapping, open tap harmonics and beats on the body of the acoustic) -who influenced me to approach solo bass the way I do. Anyway here is a live video we made: [media]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dSfqVYQcN3s[/media] My house is currently a recording studio for two weeks, with leads and equiptment everywhere (even a few mics in my tiled bathroom) We are recording the 5 track EP with the help of a very talented ProTools engineer friend of mine who we are very lucky to know, and has offered his services for nothing but cups of tea/coffee and biscuits - what a guy! This project is DIY at its best, just two old mates who had not played together for a while (hence the name Reunion) and some great songs in the pipeline! I can't wait to share the results with you all! All the best bass bro's, Andy CB p.s. sorry for my immature "bye bye" at the end of the vid ha ha
  16. [quote name='HazBeen' timestamp='1332240641' post='1585221'] Bump for some great gear and a great bass player........ don't forget to check out Andy's videos, textbook modern bass player with some awesome skills. Makes me look like an amateur. [/quote] Thankyou for the props buddy! The head is now sold, 4 x 10 pending for thursday Cheers Andy
  17. I have had a few inquiries about the head now, as stated i'm looking for 400 with postage separate or collection in person With regards to the cab, KJB got there first and will hopefully be collecting next week Cheers Andy
  18. 104HF on hold, Any interest in the Little Mark Tube 800 before Ebay? It's a great light weight head with Solid State and Tube blendable. Comes with quality rack and Mark Bass rack ears
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