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Crown XLS402 power output - so much confusion :-(
Passinwind replied to Guillaume's topic in Amps and Cabs
[quote name='fretmeister' timestamp='1461304228' post='3033415'] Email crown with the serial number and ask! [/quote] Or just measure it yourself. There have been at least a couple of versions, and the first posted link is only for the Chinese market version of the first build spec. -
[quote name='Billy Apple' timestamp='1461152397' post='3031888'] Disease free wood can be sourced from the USA [/quote] Sure, but is it free range wood? Think of the children!
[quote name='Twincam' timestamp='1461018965' post='3030791'] Been reading the book British rock guitar which is an updated version of 17 watts by mo foster. It's basically a collection of often very funny stories by famous names, talking about there first guitars, first amps, experiments etc etc. It's a really good read! What got my attention is the fact that it's so much easier to get equipment that actually works, even the cheap gear. And we have internet so learning and music in general is so accessible. It's so much easier in every way. We are indeed lucky. However why I'm I yearning that it was still a bit like that. Even when I was fairly young in the 90s it was still easier than the 50s, 60s and so on. Although I am still relatively new to playing it would of been much easier when I was young to do so. So I never got to really experience the "struggle" of previous decades. The experimentation of it all seems really exciting. Even the crap instruments and struggling to get even the latest record has a certain fun element. I can't help thinking in a way lacking all that now has lost us something, some magic in it all. [/quote] There is a ton of room for experimentation today, and now the resources are much more readily attainable. I just finished building a 700 watt bass amp from scratch (mostly), using CAD/CAM tools that are completely free. Doing that when I started playing music ca. 1970 would have been a pipe dream at best. I've been working on audio equipment since the early 60s. To me old stuff is just old, and things that actually work are a lot cooler. In the end real players get it done regardless of the gear challenges though.
[quote name='Roland Rock' timestamp='1460713567' post='3028041'] Haha, I was wondering whether anyone had the hat trick. [/quote] Over here "bug eye grills" would probably trump MB Yellow in the Unholy Trinity. Neither they or the overhanging rack case look bother me in the slightest though, personally.
[quote name='alexclaber' timestamp='1460557603' post='3026791'] don't play a quilted maple topped fanned fret active 7-string with fretboard LEDs in a punk band! [/quote] Yep, can't have anyone being an actual rebel in a punk band.
It matters a little bit, but for me form pretty much always follows function.
[quote name='wateroftyne' timestamp='1460483085' post='3026134'] It's 375 x 108 x 315mm, and 7.5kg.. [/quote] Thanks, hope it works out well for you.
So what is the actual size and weight please? I couldn't find that in a quick look at the website.
Yet another DIY amp, sitting on top of my AudioKinesis Thunderchild 112 cab:
The best bass playing you have ever heard.?
Passinwind replied to bubinga5's topic in General Discussion
The best I've ever heard? That would span hundreds of recordings and live shows. Just thinking of live shows, if I have to choose one I'll go with Charlie Mingus playing unamplified in a tiny club in the mid-70s though. Or Jaco on the [i]Shadows And Light[/i] tour. Or Phil Lesh through the Wall Of Sound. Or Michael Manring in my friend's living room. Or Stanley Clarke with RTF doing [i]Romantic Warrior[/i]. No wait, Marcus Miller with Miles. Dave Holland with his own quintet. Tony Levin with KC. Mixing Kai Eckhardt at 4AM doing a wedding gig with Garaj Mahal. And then I woke up, and I'm still just a hack. Same as it ever was. -
[quote name='Chienmortbb' timestamp='1460055831' post='3022234'] Are you only using one speakon? [/quote] Since I'm only using one cab these days, yes. I could always add another one if needed though. I haven;t really done anything about the DI output either, but I do have a spare Jensen transformer I can throw in there if I feel too lazy to work up a solid state DI. A few people have asked me about doing a headphone output as well, but that's something I've never used myself, so it's not a high priority. [quote name='Bottle' timestamp='1460113416' post='3022680'] That is looking extremely tidy nice thing about the Powercon, Speakon and XLR jack is they all use the same cutout profile [/quote] Yep, they all use the D connector format, but in this case the cutouts are laser cut, so the vendor doesn't require a tooling change charge for dissimilar cutouts. The switch holes on the front even all have the little keyway locator included, which is a real luxury when it comes time to install the switches. No alignment hassles and no spinning as you tighten the retaining nut.
And after another week of burnt fingers and colorful language, today just might afford a first listen. I spent pretty much all day yesterday troubleshooting omissions and wiring errors, but at least I now have a test jig and a method for doing mods or repairs in the future. There are a few odds and ends in this pic that will need cleaning up eventually, but of course that's a never ending thing with DIY builds anyway.
[quote name='chris_b' timestamp='1459853217' post='3020197'] I don't remember any fuss being made when Trace came out with their black painted boxes. Those things looked pretty second-hand with in 5 mins of loading them into the van. Also no fuss over the tuff coated Peavey cabs in the 80's. I seem to recall that the sound of a cab was the important thing back then. [/quote] The first thing many people did with those old Peavey cabs was take the logo plate off the cab though.
[quote name='Fonkbass' timestamp='1459793120' post='3019712'] The Kappalite's are twice the price of many drivers in the 12" range, but are they twice as good? [/quote] Audio gear almost never works like that. The trick is deciding where diminishing returns stop making sense for your particular wants and needs.
[quote name='wateroftyne' timestamp='1459783681' post='3019585'] That TB thread was pretty interesting reading... [/quote] There's so much frustration among manufacturers due to the Commercial User policy over there. Even guys like Duke, who is one of the nicest people I have ever sat down to dinner with, ends up projecting that frustration eventually. I think Alex has been quite well measured in his responses, but nobody really wins in those situations.
[quote name='stevie' timestamp='1459780574' post='3019523'] I have a lot of sympathy for Marty's view, but as Fonkbass is building a 2 x 12, I doubt that Dave Green would object - especially as he allows for the option of a cheaper midrange driver. [/quote] Dave doesn't care a bit what people put in non-fEARful cabs. The cheaper Eminence mid driver option is only for the single 12 fEARfuls. A workable sub is the B&C 6MD38 though, which despite published specs actually tests as virtually identical in sensitivity to the 18 Sound mid drivers, and which I slightly prefer the sound of. It's a bit heavier since it's not a neo driver.
[quote name='Bottle' timestamp='1459515627' post='3017322'] As someone who spends a living doing this 9 -5 every day, I can testify to the need for everything to be disconnect-able, especially with prototypes We use Molex connectors for the vast majority of inter-board and wire-to-board connections. KK-100 system for low voltage / low current and Mini-Fit Junior for anything power related as it can handle 10A per pin at 250VAC. Anything else requires a specialised connector. Downside is the investment in tooling which can be considerable. It is worth it in the long run. [/quote] The power amp side uses JST connectors. ICE do not provide cable harnesses with OEM modules, and the pair of crimpers needed run ~$950. That's for the basic manual ones, the trick ones are considerably more expensive. I bought a couple of perfectly decent cable harnesses from a vendor in the ROC at $18 ea., shipped. But I agree, good tooling is generally worth whatever it costs.
Needs more cowbell.
[quote name='Fonkbass' timestamp='1459449506' post='3016784'] Tell me about it! I've got a list of DIY home jobs building up too! but i've also got the DIY cab build bug! The last project i did was a Harley Benton 2x10 upgrade with the help of Arjank from Talkbass, he recommended the Oberton 10B200 drivers, its a very nice 2x10 for small gigs....but now i'm after more power and more low's. I'm using a Hartke LH1000. [/quote] Cool, Arjan and I correspond on a fairly regular basis. Best of luck in working out your new build. BTW, my latest DIY project is posted in the Amps and Cabs forum here, currently somewhere near the top. That sort of thing is much more my style these days.
[quote name='Fonkbass' timestamp='1459446806' post='3016729'] Thanks Passwind, i'm beginning to realize this fact....i also had a look at Bill F's Simplexx 212, at least a choice of drivers is offered. [/quote] Yep, Dave Green pretty much stopped looking at alternative drivers and configs once he got what he wanted for his own playing situations. He passed along the plans for free and beyond that he has always encouraged people to do their own homework if they crave more or less than what his designs can offer a DIY builder. BFM charges a very reasonable amount to do your homework for you, IMHO. Just depends what you are looking to get out of DIY building. To me the design aspects were where all the juice was, but I eventually copped to the fact that I don't really enjoy woodworking and would much rather throw my energy at other DIY projects.
[quote name='Fonkbass' timestamp='1459405721' post='3016140'] Guys, I'm thinking of starting a 2x12 cab build, possibly a Fearful 1212+6. Are there cheaper alternative drivers to the Kappalite 3012LF? [/quote] Nope, not if you want to do a to-spec fEARful build.
This week's progress: Mounted power amp module and tested thermal properties of my convection cooling scheme, no problems observed. Preamp and HPF/PEQ circuit boards stuffed: Surface mount format opamps installed on DIP-8 adapter daughter cards and tested before installation: Interface between power amp module and preamp section ready for installation on heatsink hanger bolts: All connections will be broken out to quick disconnect terminals to facilitate modifications or service work. Hope to be making noise within a few days now.
[quote name='Wolverinebass' timestamp='1459072121' post='3013236'] Superb work there! Will you be open for business and custom orders soon? [/quote] I worked in the music business for many years, time to do something more respectable in my old age! But seriously, economy of scale, regulatory and liability issues, and a general disdain for marketing and answering the phone would make forging a workable business building "boutique" bass amps pretty difficult. Doesn't mean it can't still be a dream or goal though, of course. For now I'm just trying to refine my craft a bit more. I'm really just a tech, not an engineer, and to a tech everything is pretty much either broken or about to be.
[quote name='bassman7755' timestamp='1459178528' post='3014161'] So ... how did you manage to acquire the ICE module ? what with them only being available to OEMs at least officially. [/quote] OEMs all have to start somewhere. In my old day job I became fairly proficient at writing things like evaluation sample requests, but as always, a lot comes down to [i]who you know[/i]. In this case I didn't even actively solicit, go figure. There is also a substantial gray market these days though, and there are also factory blessed closeouts on some of the older modules, at Parts Express in the US for example. Although one of the most attractive features of the 700ASC module is that it has a good quality +/- 15 volt regulated power supply onboard, which potentially saves a lot of hassle and expense.
[quote name='Bill Fitzmaurice' timestamp='1459165910' post='3013985'] Good thing, one would not want bass gear to have a name which implies that it will fart out. [/quote] My real feelings about all MI gear would have been better served by "Entropy Electronics", but that's already taken.