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Everything posted by Passinwind

  1. [quote name='BigGuyAtTheBack' timestamp='1420624390' post='2651346'] Thanks for the suggestions Charlie. I'll socket the IC's and try the 072's and the OPA2134's just to see if I can hear a difference. I've read a few of your posts on Talkbass, always informative! [/quote] Are you going to use Mr Kreutzer's printed circuit board layout? I had intended to try building that circuit up myself sooner or later, but my plate's a little too full already right now.
  2. [quote name='BigGuyAtTheBack' timestamp='1420571731' post='2650813'] I'll have to look into that one thanks Nick. Passinwind its the Jfet Bass Preamp Ver 2.1 07082002 3 get design with the switchable eq. [/quote] Cool, I'll be interested to see how it goes for you. Personally, I'd at least swap out the first opamp for something a little more modern. My default choice for BiFETs is usually the OPA2132 or OPA2134, although I've been messing with quite a few others recently too.
  3. [quote name='Meatbag' timestamp='1420408317' post='2649136'] Oh my! Will the God of analogue synthesizers ever stop laughing at me? My first Saturday job as a 16 year old yoof was in 1979 at Chase Music in Manchester who were the ARP dealers. I vaguely paid some attention to the products as I sweat my teenage nads off humping those massive boxes around and setting gear up at various roadshows. And Poly/ Mini Moogs, and Oberheims....I was more interested in girls and "proper" rock and roll.....[/quote] Heh...I was actually quite into the fusion jazz scene in the mid-70s, but it would've been pretty hard to ignore the ARP stuff anyway, given that I was a factory tech for a while. Never could afford to buy one back then, but we had a pretty nice employee studio that produced a lot pf sonic mayhem after regular working hours. Probably the the coolest thing I worked on there was building up a few [url="http://www.vintagesynth.com/arp/2500.php"]2500 panels[/url] right around the time [i]Close Encounters[/i] came out. There were only two guys in the factory who really knew how they went together, the guy who was in the movie and Al Pearlman himself. Good times...
  4. [quote name='BigGuyAtTheBack' timestamp='1420554590' post='2650557'] Hi folks, I'm just about to build the Kreuzer preamp and just wondered if anyone on the forum had done so and what they though of it. I have a BBE BMax preamp and I just can't get on with that passive tone stack! So I thought I'd have a crack at this Kreuzer preamp. Looking at the schematic it looks pretty good. Any thoughts? [/quote] Which one? He did a few different designs.
  5. [quote name='fretmeister' timestamp='1420219066' post='2646826'] I've been investigating this issue for my own use. I have discovered that the Demeter Minnie VTBP head has completely passive cooling - no fans [url="http://www.bassgear.co.uk/product/demeter-minnie-vtbp-m-800d-amp/"]http://www.bassgear....tbp-m-800d-amp/[/url][/quote] You might want to look through the Talkbass threads on that amp, thermal issues have been mentioned at least a few times. The latest pics I've seen seem to show a bigger heatsink, so hopefully it's all sorted by now. I'm really looking forward to checking one out, but it's likely to be a few months before that happens. When I built my own amp last year it was intended just for practice or very low key EUB jazz gigs. At least one very experienced engineer told me I needed to use a fan, but he also admitted to having no experience with the particular ICE module I used, which is not common in bass amps at all, and not the one Demeter uses (the one I used is bigger and more expensive, intended for pro PA duty, and requires more outboard parts). I added some heatsinking just to play it safe, and have ended up using this amp in a few fairly loud rock situations with no problems so far.
  6. [quote name='fretmeister' timestamp='1420136994' post='2646035'] Every fan is too loud if it's just bass and clarinet! Lots of space in classical music - fan noise really kills the mood. [/quote] Yep, and the same thing holds true for many of my jazz gigs without drums as well. For me, fan = no sale. Quite a few of the current crop of Class D power modules work flawlessly with just convection cooling as long as proper attention is paid to heat sink specification, but fans are cheap and small and effective heat sinks usually are not.
  7. [quote name='Jecklin' timestamp='1419944010' post='2644144'] And so it goes.... I'm on the hunt for an amplifier head again for use with my bassoon and bass guitar and it must not have a fan due to the acoustic environments I perform in. I don't need mega power - I'm still deliberating over a Phil Jones briefcase or double4 or markbass micro mark, but I think a separate head would allow me more flexibility. I know acoustic image heads don't have fans, but they are well out of my price range. Any suggestions or pointers gladly received. Also if anyone has successfully added a cut off switch to a fan in an amp I'd like to hear about that. [/quote] There are zillions of used old heavy fanless amp heads that you can get for cheap. In the US Peavey or older G-Ks would be the default suggestions. Something like a MKIII or MKIV Peavey would have two preamp channels, which might be handy in your situation?
  8. [quote name='Freddie75' timestamp='1419182781' post='2637338'] Basically I am looking to use a genz benz streamliner as a power amp and 2 different preamps for live usage. I currently have the trace v-type and am on the lookout for an ampeg svp cl. I am after a rack device which will enable me to switch between preamps for different songs etc. Worse case a pedal will do. Any recommendations??? [/quote] Radial or Lehle.
  9. [quote name='stingrayPete1977' timestamp='1419593655' post='2641078'] Ha you havent heard us murder them, they dont end up as close as described, lol. [/quote] That's cool, especially if you don't murder them exactly the same way every time.
  10. [quote name='stingrayPete1977' timestamp='1419532609' post='2640729'] I credited them in my list as its inspired by that version, there are others in there too like everything I own. I missed live and let die off and I would put Guns n Roses next to that. [/quote] Sure, perfectly reasonable and I wasn't meaning to pick at you about that. I'm old, to me "Cocaine" and "Call Me The Breeze" will always be JJ Cale tunes, "HTH" an Otis Redding song, etc. I've pretty much always been primarily into the jam band or jazz scenes, never into covers that are all that well defined by one given arrangement or performance.Vive la difference!
  11. [quote name='stingrayPete1977' timestamp='1419504838' post='2640464'] Hard to handle- Black Crowes anyone else care to share their thoughts on that lot or even their own set for riddicule? [/quote] As a geezer, it always makes me just a little sad to see that tune credited to the Black Crowes. Great song though, and oddly enough the BC arrangement is about the only version I've never played. Other than that, your set list is pretty similar to a few bands that work a lot around here. It'd be all about the vocals as far as the ceiling for gig quality. My song list? Mostly the [i]Real Book[/i], version 5. Most of my other calls these days are original soft jazzy rock/blues stuff.
  12. [quote name='zero9' timestamp='1419411207' post='2639596'] I'm sure that some EUB's sound more 'authentic' than others, to emulate an acoustic double bass. Physics dictate that an EUB designed as an electric instrument it's not going to sound like a acoustic double bass. EUB's sound differently, just as bass guitars sound differently, otherwise we might as well all play a Fender P.[/quote] Yep, and there is really no one definitive authentic upright tone to try to emulate either. I saw Charlie Mingus play unamplified in a small club, I guess that could be my bench mark. Not all of us can get away with telling the audience to sit down and shut up though...
  13. [quote name='blue' timestamp='1419191933' post='2637465'] I don't think it's just age or the music we play it's a lot of things. Some of it could be regional or cultural. Remember our BL and front person is a 29 year old female. Believe it or not she is the one against doing the more contemporary stuff. It's her band and she's be successful with this same band locally for the past 9 years. The goal was to be a good paid gig bar band and that's what we are. We have carved out a nice niche which allowed us to play 65-70 shows this year, which is more than a lot of bands that want to do paid gigs can say. So were not really looking to appeal to the under 25, nor do we care if they relate to us. They are not our target market. I'm sure when they walk in and see all the grey hair they are just like I was when I was young, [i]"let's get out of here".[/i]Our bread and butter is with a very loyal appreciative 50 + crowd.[/quote] Blue, nice to see you've found a forum that's a bit more congenial to you than that other place, and that you're still evolving musically and in projecting a sense of humor into your posts. If you really would like to go on the road, best of luck making that happen. I'd bet that blowing off the under-30 market won't be such a good strategy at that point though. What's it like for me? Massively moving playing field, with players my age dying off, retiring from music, or conversely, retiring from day jobs and having more time for music, venue ownership changing hands and doors also opening and closing for all sorts of other reasons. I took this year off from gigging and waited to see when the phone would start ringing. When it eventually did, I found myself much better at saying no to lowballs and same-olds. Right now I have two solid opportunities at doing originals enough that local venues pay good money for. I helped both acts get going years ago, moved along to better paying or more musically satisfying gigs for several years, and was very happy to find that both acts make good money now and have matured musically quite a bit. Never too late to grow up, I guess.
  14. [quote name='blue' timestamp='1418856065' post='2634224'] One of my concerns is dealing with younger musicians that have a limited knowledge in terms of rock and roll history, how it started and evolved into what it is today.[/quote] Wonder how much the younger musicians are concerned that you have never even heard Taylor Swift? Cuts both ways, no? Could just be that those under-25'ers would stick around if you played something they actually relate to -- at least that's my experience in the venues I still play in at age 61. Heck, Lady Gaga and Tony Bennett have sold a ton of units together this year. Adapt or die, the facts are indeed hard to argue.
  15. [quote name='zero9' timestamp='1419116720' post='2636844'] EUB's occupy a nice little niche between an electric bass guitar and a double bass, but don't sound anything like a double bass. An electric fretless with tapewounds will do just as well as an EUB to simulate a DB. [/quote] Not if you play arco.
  16. [quote name='kedo' timestamp='1419026355' post='2635932'] As acoustic basses are hard to amplify, it seems to me that a dedicated, quality electric bass could be superior. Advice from members would be very useful to me. [/quote] I've been playing mainly EUB for a bit over ten years; mine is a BSX 2000, a hollow stick that came before the Allegros. It's its own animal sound-wise and the amplification needs are their own thing. I roll my own electronics, so I'll leave commercial solutions to others. A full range cab with a good tweeter definitely makes me happiest, and I've found that some of my friends' AUB oriented cabs are a little too shy on the low end to get the most out of my BSX, but I do sometimes take it well out of what many would consider to be the usual URB territory. It does have [i]some[/i] of the feel of an AUB, the hollow bodied ones and anything not stand-mounted generally tend to have a bit more of that IMHO. A well defined neck heel or "body join" are pretty helpful for reading IME, it's a drag to have to look at side markers to know here you are. I've played a few Allegros and always found them pretty workable.The NS basses I've tried just feel wrong to me, somehow they just don't dance with my body gracefully. Plenty of decent sounds there though, and I hear one in the local community big band pretty often. I recently tried an Azola Baby Bass and loved everything except the lowest half octave or so on it. Some of the other Azola models are quite highly regarded around here, no idea how many are in the UK though.
  17. [quote name='dincz' timestamp='1418932618' post='2635035'] Interesting. I just took a look and apparently they aren't airtight [url="http://www.neutrik.com/en/speakon/speakon-chassis-connectors/nl4md-v-s"]http://www.neutrik.c...ctors/nl4md-v-s[/url] [/quote] Bummer. They're probably intended for patch bays in pro sound amp racks. I've made RTV sealant work adequately with other unsealed panel mount Speakons, but those things will whistle like crazy in a bass cab if you don't figure something out.
  18. [quote name='Beer of the Bass' timestamp='1418923325' post='2634944'] That's true. I'd been a bit stumped trying to figure out a way to do it with speakons, but using jacks wouldn't be a big deal. Are switched jacks trustworthy with speaker level signals? I've never checked whether they have a current rating. [/quote] Switched Speakons exist, never seen one in the flesh though.
  19. [quote name='davehux' timestamp='1418659008' post='2632052'] Xmas - Excursion limit before wallet empty [/quote] Xlim: point at which credit card is declined
  20. [quote name='BetaFunk' timestamp='1418606958' post='2631715'] ECM were good at promoting artists back then as well. I would imagine that artists on ECM reached a wider audience that they probably would through smaller labels. I've just been thinking of some of the leaders/groups i've seen live when they were on ECM at the time of the concert: Jan Garbarek, Dave Holland, Terje Rypdal, Keith Jarrett, Ralph Towner, Glen Moore, Eberhard Weber, John Abercrombie, Steve Swallow, Bill Connors, Arild Andersen, Colin Walcott, Kenny Wheeler, Gary Burton, Pat Metheny, John Taylor, Paul Motian, Gary Peacock, Don Cherry, Nana Vasconcelos, Mick Goodrick, Miroslav Vitous, Charlie Haden, Ed Blackwell, Egberto Gismonti, Chick Corea, Shankar, Lester Bowie, James Newton, Oregon, David Torn, Marc Johnson. I've lost touch with what ECM do now but that was an impressive roster back then. [/quote] Yep, I saw most of those guys at one time or another in the 70s or early 80s. ECM promoted a few all star tours in the US and the one I saw had both Eberhard and Steve Swallow in Gary Burton's band, along with Metheny, Goodrick and Bob Moses. Always really loved Eberhard's work on Metheny's [i]Watercolors[/i]. EW has worked with Kate Bush too, and you can hear him play "real upright" with Joe Pass on [i]Intercontinental[/i].
  21. Totally goofing on my wife at the end of a winery gig a few years back:
  22. Second one down: [url="http://www.class-dmodule.com/#!amplifier-modules/ccy0"]http://www.class-dmo...er-modules/ccy0[/url]
  23. [quote name='Chienmortbb' timestamp='1418378067' post='2629642'] Thanks to passinwind for keeping this thread going. My wife has picked up a post op infection and we have both had Man Flu (her words not mine). The PCBs are superb quality and although there are cheaper suppliers, OSH Park really have a quality product.[/quote] OSH Park works on a cooperative arrangement where you share space on a big slab and they cut out the pieces and send you your bits. This happens quite quickly (currently ~12 days from order to mailbox), and shipping is included to more or less anywhere. You do have to buy in multiples of 3 boards at a $5 per square inch flat rate. These particular boards are just about 2 1/2" x 4", so around 50 bucks for three of them. The price goes down a bit if you commit to 150 square inches total, but their thing is supporting hobbyists and prototyping for small businesses. Happy to see some forward movement, that power amp module looks very promising. "Man flu?" Has your wife been talking with mine? --CE
  24. [quote name='blue' timestamp='1418331820' post='2629337'] That's cool and I know some pub owners are cool and have the right intentions. However, I also think that some pub owners don't know a good band from a bad band nor do they distinguish the bands they book from one another. They're just bands. I do think they know when they are not selling alcohol. [/quote] Agreed on all counts. There can be plenty of good reasons to avoid open mike nights too.The one I played at last night is in a tiny new venue and playing to 3-4 punters was not looking too sweet, until one of the top local keyboard players showed up and the pub owner offered us a NYE gig that would be really low maintenance, and all of 5 blocks from my home.
  25. [quote name='LukeFRC' timestamp='1418327857' post='2629303'] Pretty [/quote] Thanks. Lots of people seem to dig the purple color, but that's actually the only option from this vendor.On my most recent tube preamp build I used [url="http://passinwind.com/Tech/PW6B_PCBs.JPG"]red audiophool resistors[/url], but they proved to be a little fragile during rework and are also far too expensive to use routinely as far as I'm concerned.
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