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Everything posted by Passinwind

  1. That's already kind of what I do, little daughter cards like so with flying wires: But yeah, right angle header pins and a sub board is a pretty standard solution that makes for a more secure mounting scheme and I may well go that route.
  2. Yep. But I'm also looking at little 3D printed boxes for the boards on some of my pedal builds, since a few critical pots I use don't come with 90 degree mounting pins.
  3. Nope, never so much as a warning. Hard to believe, I know. I've been on here for several years now in any case.
  4. Yes sir!
  5. I know that guy Paul, he keeps looking back at me in the mirror every morning. Stalker freak! 😉 Many of us who are still over there miss you, all the best to you and yours.
  6. Because it sells well and to many of us it often or at least sometimes sounds great. Simple. 😉
  7. Nope, not unless "bass covers" or other play alongs are your idea of a musical goal post. 😉
  8. So organize one yourself Paul. I live fairly far from any urban area but several people from 4 hours or further away showed up at many of the ones I put on. I even flew to the other US coast for one, although it wasn't the only reason for that trip.
  9. To eliminate one of the great many variables in our signal chain? In my case, it can be a very useful reference against the various voicings I build into my DIY builds. I don't need flat to be at noon postition on knobs at all athough, just need to be able to get something close to it at some control position not at one end or the other.
  10. You can do a lot of damage with the braid if you're not up to speed with it, so braid size, temperature control, and proper iron tip selection are all quite important. And like so many things to do with soldering, getting in and out quickly often tends to be the best mode.
  11. In the US it goes by "solder wick" or "desoldering braid", typically. Like so: https://www.aventools.com/desoldering-wick-1-5mm-0-06 I have a pro grade Pace desoldering station but still use braid 90+ % of the time.
  12. My fretless one was #573 and I bought it brand new in 1977, so that sounds right. I assume you've already found this: http://www.travisbeanguitars.com/index.php/ID/b0c3b03f61dd971d41519e82144bafea/fuseaction/database.detail.htm ?
  13. Roger that.
  14. As a player I don't care the tiniest bit where the knobs point as long as I can get what I need and still have a bit of wiggle room in either direction. But I do enjoy continuing to learn more on the design end, especially since I've retired from gigging and have no plans to ever do so again.
  15. Not sure about the MB amps, but Genzler explictly states dead flat with Contour control full counter clockwise for the Magellan 800.
  16. When amps like Genz and Markbass reputedly measure flat/knobs at noon (neither of which I've measured), whatever may be "baked in" must come from somewhere else in the circuit, or perhaps some external factors? It's a genuine question, I'm not advancing an opinion on this just yet.
  17. Hence my question.😉
  18. Cool. Not a hard thing to find these days at all though, so it seems likely that there's a at least a bit more in play here, no? When I was down this rabbit hole a decade or so ago I built a tube preamp just to see how flat I could make it. And by flat I mean measured pretty danged close to dead flat from 20-20KHz: Predictably, it was not all that much fun to play bass guitar through without some flavor being introduced elsewhere in the signal chain. But since it had no knobs there was no possible double meaning for "flat", at least!
  19. They aren't trying to please everyone, they are trying to please enough people to get the best possible market share at a given price point. If you feel you can do a better job of that, have at it! 😉
  20. Which board vendor did you go with? Meanwhile, I've been finishing up my small run of 3 band preamp w/variable LPF builds. One left to go, then on to other things for the foreseeable future. I'll be releasing the open source spec very soon but parts availability is likely to be an ongoing hassle for at least another year.
  21. I've been meaning to try that as well, but since I discovered someone nearly local who does beautiful one off UV prints for $6 a box it's gone to the back burner for now. 😉
  22. Hookers 'n blow never go out of fashion. 😉
  23. Yes, when I bought my first fretted one in over 35 years. The infatuation lasted about six months but I barely ever play the fretted one now. I started out on fretless though, and I rarely play or listen to rock music, for whatever that's worth.
  24. Plans are not not available to DIY builders anyway, so it's pretty much moot what drivers it uses. 😉
  25. These are more like the Alembic/Wal/ACG thing than your usual auto wah or whatever. Just a different take on a treble control section, basically. 😉
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