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Everything posted by onehappybunny

  1. it's not clear from the posting but I'll be picking up the XLF on Wednesday - nice early start then trek round the M25 to Ruislip!
  2. hi could you let me know what length scale the Zoot is Thanks Stu
  3. I have been ummm'ing and ahhhh'ing about selling this very flexible, lightweight 500W head (@ 2ohms) and have eventually decided to sell up as I have decided to go for a combo instead. Most recently I've been using it as a pre-amp, as the pre-amp section is very flexible (inc. various modelled sounds - from clean, tube, overdrive, distorted etc.). That way you also have a backup if the power amp fails! [attachment=4140:DSC_5421.JPG] [attachment=4141:DSC_5422.JPG] Edit: NOW INCLUDES FREE GIG BAG [attachment=5186:DSC_7447.jpg] [b]Harmony Central reviews:[/b] [url="http://reviews.harmony-central.com/reviews/Bass+Amp/product/Yamaha/BBT-500H+Head/10/1"]http://reviews.harmony-central.com/reviews...-500H+Head/10/1[/url] Before they were discontinued they were going for c.£500 so I think that £200 plus P&P should be a good deal (or pick-up from near Guildford, Surrey). Just p.m. me with any interest Thanks Stu
  4. so am I !!!!
  5. still available for next couple of days then will end upon the Bay Cheers Stu
  6. Thanks for the the replies folks Very jealous of Simon's Jeff Berlin but likely to try the 121P as it's just within my price range Cheers Stu
  7. [quote name='ste_m3' post='101828' date='Dec 9 2007, 06:42 PM']If the trade of my amp goes through this weekend a may well be interested in this lot. If not all of it at least the Poweramp. Can you pm me a seperate price? Thanks[/quote] p.m. replied to Cheers Stu
  8. [quote name='originalfunster' post='101560' date='Dec 9 2007, 01:15 AM']Any chance of the Pics ?[/quote] Pre/power and 4U case [attachment=4053:DSC_7108.JPG] 'Free' 2U case (see note in first post) [attachment=4054:DSC_7109.JPG] Just p.m. me with any interest Thanks Stu
  9. Bump with price reduction to £200 (pick up from Surrey) If no takers by end of weekend I'll hit t'Bay. Just pm me if any interest Cheers Stu
  10. SOLD - subject to payment
  11. *Edit - Sold to nice Aussie called Noah* As the title says really cost-effective pre/power set up: V-Amp pro rackmount modelling pre-amp Behinger EP1500 power amp Nearly new 4U rack All the above is very good condition (pics to follow). As a bonus I'll chuck in an extra 2U rack case which is a bit damaged but still very useable. Ideally looking to sell in one lot but may split for right offer. As a result of weight would need to be pick-up or meet within 1 hr drive of Guildford Cheers Stu
  12. [quote name='Welshbassist' post='99800' date='Dec 5 2007, 07:28 PM']Please check your PMs. Thanks a bunch.[/quote] p.m.'d Thanks Stu
  13. [quote name='jwbassman' post='99791' date='Dec 5 2007, 07:11 PM']Thanks for the pictures Stu - you're at the other end of the country to me - any idea on postage costs or is this a pick up only sort of deal?[/quote] p.m.'d Cheers Stu
  14. [quote name='jwbassman' post='98488' date='Dec 3 2007, 10:42 PM']Thanks Stu - looking forward to the photos... Where abouts are you?[/quote] Photos below: [attachment=3956:IMG_0025.JPG] [attachment=3957:IMG_0021.JPG] [attachment=3958:IMG_0020.JPG] I'm based near Guildford, but may be able to meet halfway if interested. I'm in Wolverhampton occasionally with work (inc. this Friday) if that helps Any other questions please let me know Cheers Stu
  15. [quote name='jwbassman' post='97882' date='Dec 3 2007, 01:06 AM']Ooh... Tempted by this one, I've got the Epifani UL112 which is great, but sometimes I could do with a bit more spread if you know what I mean What's the power rating on this cab and have you got any pics?[/quote] Hi Power rating is 750W @ 5.3 ohm... certainly plenty enough for my charity gigs to 100-150 people!! IMHO it would make a great gigging cab to accompany your UL112 Pics to follow shortly (next day or two) Cheers Stu
  16. [quote name='bassjamm' post='97881' date='Dec 3 2007, 12:56 AM']Slight long shot...but... Would you be interested in my F Bass in exchange for the cab and some money??? J[/quote] J I'd love for you to give me some money AND your F Bass ...but somehow I don't think that's what you meant!! Unfortunately I don't think I could justify almost £1000 outlay plus the cab (my wife would second that!) Thanks very much for the interest though... your bass is a beauty! Good luck selling her Cheers Stu
  17. Just search BassChat on 'UL310' if you want to know how good these cabs are... lightweight, really powerful and in good condition with just some minor scuffing to the corner protectors. Will post photos when I get a chance. In answer to the obvious question... in my latest fit of GAS I have decided to get a combo, rather than head and cab and therefore am parting with this rather lovely cab that was bought from a fellow BC'er. Looking for £500, but would consider trade with high-end lightweight combo that has a line-in, or equivalent, for practising along to CD/ipod (e.g. EA, MarkBass etc.). Please p.m. or post any questions Cheers Stu
  18. In latest fit of GAS...oh, please nooooo!!.... thinking about going for a combo for the rehearsals and smallish gigs that we play I have read about MB combos and would seem to be good bet (sound / weight / size etc.) Just wondered: 1. is it possible to use the XLR input as line in for an ipod to practice along with (major selling point - I think I read this on Harmon Central). If not, do you know any other combos or heads that offer this (EA etc.) 2. whether 280W through the combo would be enough for gigs of up to c.100-150 people with drummer and two guitarists. (If not, then better off sticking with head / cab option) 3. is it possible to switch off or attenuate the tweeter If it helps I like a fairly old school Motown / Stax sort of sound. Thanks folks Stu
  19. Very pleased with my 'new' UL310 (thanks to Ari) based on experiences over the first few days... very light, powerful, punchy sound with a solid low end. Only tried in the house (at non-divorce inducing volumes ) so far, but really, really looking forward to band practice tomorrow
  20. Hey Emmanuel Welcome to Basschat!! Pretty much everyone on the site thinks they're not up to scratch (we're bass players after alll...not lead guitarists ) so I wouldn't worry about it too much. Best way to get up confidence is to practice regularly with a band, so try and get together with others and play to get used to locking in with the drummer etc. If you're already doing that, then why not have a chat to the guys you mentioned to pick up some tips. If you need some technical tips post specific question on that section of this site. Cheers and good luck! Stu
  21. [quote name='ari' post='66587' date='Sep 27 2007, 07:33 PM']sold to onehappybunny - cheers for the smooth transaction mods please delete thread, thanks [/quote] Cheers, Ari and have fun in Paris - very jealous of your muso year off!!
  22. If it's just for around the house and the schro'/LMII is for gigs why not go for a PJ briefcase, rather than suitcase? Just a thought....
  23. thanks for the comments guys - looking forward to it!
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