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Everything posted by 41.2Hz

  1. Sir Horace Gentleman - pretty much all of the first album by The Specials. This is why I play bass. A special (no pun intended) mention for Nite Klub - part of my warm up to this day.
  2. 8u flight case with ratchet tilting mechanism for mixing desk for sale. It was used to house 2 power amps, which are for sale separately. There are two blanking plates, and rack ears used to connect the mixer.
  3. Entwistle & Moon?
  4. 1 x Alto Mac 2.3 power amp SOLD 1 x Alto Mac 2.2 power amp SOLD 2 x Alto ELV 12 speakers SOLD 2 x Alto ELV 15S bass bins SOLD 2 x Alto ELV 12M wedge monitors (not listed on Alto website, but they are 12" speakers, 180W at 8Ω) SOLD
  5. BV here. When I was young I'd never entertain singing and playing bass. My voice is quite good (I can carry a tune at least!) but I could never manage to sing over any bass line any more complex than root notes. The band I'm in now insist on plenty of backing vocals so my hand has been forced somewhat. I've found that learning the backing vocal line at the same time as the bassline helps, rather than learning the two parts separately. Practice, practice, and then some practice!
  6. Is she [u]really[/u] going out with him?
  7. As an aside, the Artist endorsements on the website caught my eye. I saw Fleetwood Mac at the NEC in July - John McVie's 4 x OTB1000 rack looked and sounded majestic!
  8. We've just invested in 4 of these [url="http://www.laney.co.uk/products/product_details/41"]http://www.laney.co.uk/products/product_details/41[/url] (the standard market price seems to be £230 each at the moment). They can be daisy-chained, either using the powered signal to slave monitors, or using the pre-amped signal to another powered monitor. We're running then using the 2nd configuration, so that we only need 2 output channels from the desk, and the stage volumes can be changed for each individual monitor on the fly.
  9. This is my current rig. Love it! As has been discussed at length in many threads the OTB is something of a one-trick pony, but if you like the one trick, you'll be happy. The Compact faithfully delivers the old-school, valve sound. I still haven’t tired of making just one trip from my car with all of my gear – OTB in it’s case on my shoulder, bass case in one hand and Compact in the other. Soooo much easier (and more powerful!) that the old “amp-4x12-1x15” rig!!
  10. Dandelion, I don't have experience of using a GB Shuttle, but I can vouch for the volume capabilities of the TB 500. I run one with a Barefaced Compact (so 500w into 8 ohms) and the combination is plenty loud enough at pub volumes. Our drummer has a heavy hand, but I've never got anywhere near half volume (and there's some nice grit which can be dialled in from the valve preamp)
  11. Mex Jazz Deluxe is my weapon of choice, and I've got London Calling and Stray Cat Strut in the same set list.
  12. How do I unsee that?!?
  13. In case anyone hasn't seen it yet, I received this yesterday as a Barefaced news email subscriber: - Calling all amazing* bass players... Barefaced is looking for official endorsing artists for 2015! We were surprised, overwhelmed and thrilled by the amount of responses we received when we first made the announcement in November, and we would like to thank all of those who got in contact with us regarding the endorsement program. Apply to become a Barefaced endorsing artist We've put together a form on our website to help us choose the best bass players to endorse Barefaced cabs. Any bass player can apply, regardless of your location; indeed we would like to have endorsers across the globe to reflect our international customer base. We will be taking applications for our 2015 endorsement program until the 28th of February. We are very excited about having awesome musicians endorsing our equally awesome cabs, and we hope they can help our cabs get the recognition they deserve so that bassists everywhere can sound better! Need more info? Drop us a line at [email protected]
  14. The Specials by The Specials. First LP I ever bought, turned me onto music that you can dance to (of [u]all [/u]sorts) forever. Oh, and Horace Panter can't half play bass!
  15. [quote name='Marc S' timestamp='1415021395' post='2595678'] But I'd say, join a band - just for a bit of a jam Do you know any local friendly guitarists or drummers? Open mic nights might be another way to meet other musicians.... Good luck Marc [/quote] Hiya Gomez from another Cardiff bloke. I agree with Marc - if you've got any mates who play and are likely to be supportive, get together and make a bit of noise. That's where the joy of being a musician REALLY kicks in! Don't be shy about asking what you might think are simple questions in the forums - we've all been there.
  16. ......Don't come running to me if you fall and break your leg!
  17. [quote name='MiltyG565' timestamp='1418292199' post='2628784'] Did you feel like a quim afterwards? [/quote] There are [u]so[/u] many different ways I could answer that......
  18. [quote name='Thor' timestamp='1418246890' post='2628505'] The definitive answer is Black! We all know OBBM supplies the best cables and he uses Black! On a side note, I was recently re-painting an area of the workshop that we use for crash investigation work, the perimeter is marked with "Hazard Paint" (you know, the Black & Yellow stripey stuff), I asked the apprentoid to go and buy some from the wholesaler next door - told him to speak to Tom who would look after him, the apprentice returned with said paint, he took the lids off and proceeded to vigorously stir said paint in anti-clockwise direction! The look of horror on his face was priceless when I said you had to stir it clockwise otherwise the stripes would be the wrong way round! [/quote] When I was a lad I had a summer job in an upholstery factory. One day one of the upholsterers sent me to the sewing room (staffed entirely by middle-aged, working-class women) to "get a can of quim oil". Talk about Daniel in the lion's den..... I couldnt get out of there fast enough!! It was weeks before I lived that down
  19. Teenage Kicks Pretty Vacant White Wedding London Calling 2-4-6-8 Motorway So Lonely Actually, I reckon pretty much all of our set list will feature on the final top 40 list!
  20. I saw WotW at the Motorpoint last night. Similar thoughts - very impressed with the drummer, playing an electronic kit (as far as I could see anyway), but Herbie was a bit low in the mix.
  21. Do you have regular or periodic medical consultations in connection with your condition - with a consultant or a physiotherapist? If yes have you sought their advice? In the absence of any professional advice it would seem worthwhile trying a short-scale bass and/or using lighter gauge strings
  22. Lee bought this cab from me - I had it from new. My for sale thread (with pics) is here [url="http://basschat.co.uk/topic/221228-sold/page__hl__ashdown+mag__fromsearch__1"]http://basschat.co.uk/topic/221228-sold/page__hl__ashdown+mag__fromsearch__1[/url] Last time I saw it the cab was in excellent condition, and Lee's a top bloke to deal with. Make an offer - you know you want to!
  23. I happened to watch the doc with my 18-year old daughter; I had to explain to her who all the old farts were! I though the juxtapositioning of footage of Brian Connolly from The Sweet then vs now was a bit unfortunate....
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