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Everything posted by saibuster

  1. pictures added: [attachment=24865:left.JPG] [attachment=24866:right.JPG] [attachment=24867:both_technics.JPG]
  2. What about Warwick? My streamer stage II, which has a similar sort of pickup setup as a jazz has a 16.5mm string spacing. As far as I understand, correctly me if I'm wrong, all 5 string Warwicks, apart from streamer stage 1, have narrow string spacing.
  3. I actually like it a lot... reminds me of Michael Libeskind deconstruction architectural style....
  4. Ok nothing much to say about these turntables, they are the standard for a reason. I have two for sale, both in excellent condition. Only issues are that i lost the joints that connect the plastic cover to the turn table. These could be found for a few quid online. There is also a small crack on one of the plastic covers, the crack is small and i consider it only a cosmetic problem. Im looking for 150£ for each of the turntables. I live in Kensington Olympia, London. Buyers are more than welcome to come and check the turntables.
  5. Im not guilty! [attachment=24257:n5663050...588_4595.jpg] [attachment=24258:n5663050..._4374899.jpg] [attachment=24259:n5663050..._7888872.jpg]
  6. [quote name='benwhiteuk' post='464874' date='Apr 17 2009, 12:07 PM']I've never really thought about how I mute so I've just spent about 15 mins working it out; I also do a lot of left hand muting whilst slapping, but I also palm mute with my right hand depending on the riff. I think this just comes naturally with time because this is something I've never considered/consciously thought about. EDIT: I could hear exactly what your muting problem was from the clip, but I don't know what to suggest apart from more practice and it should come with time.[/quote] I know its all about practice but i feel like i might rooting a bad technique and than it would be much harder to relearn... [quote name='Simon' post='465205' date='Apr 17 2009, 04:27 PM']Alt and 3 [/quote] haha thanks! i wonder why they hide it like that!? ###
  7. Because i think i know who is going to make my first custom bass. In my opinion, this is the most unique bass i've ever seen. There is something almost cartoonish about it, yet it so organic and natural looking. [url="http://www.brownebasses.com/forum/viewtopic.php?f=1&t=101"]http://www.brownebasses.com/forum/viewtopi...p?f=1&t=101[/url] If this bass plays half as good as it looks, its probably amazing! Damn exchange rate!!!
  8. [quote name='The Funk' post='462970' date='Apr 15 2009, 01:35 PM']I should correct myself. I don't mute the lower strings with my rand hand palm while slapping. When I get home I'll have a look at what it is I do. I'm trying to figure out why the strings below the ones you're playing are rattling. Is it that they don't stop ringing after you've played them and lifted your fretting fingers off?[/quote] I think the strings rattle because of the slap, i mean i dont use too excessive force, quite the opposite i try and keep the force i put into the slap as minimum as possible. But you still have to use a bit of force in order to produce a good sound and i think that it makes the other strings rattle. The warwick active pickups are also vert hot and basically pickup evert slight movement of the strings.
  9. [quote name='The Funk' post='462873' date='Apr 15 2009, 12:01 PM']Only have crappy laptop speakers at work so I can't hear what the problem is. Strings above the one you're slapping, left hand fingers; strings below the one you're slapping, right hand palm.[/quote] I left a "tail" of the noise I'm referring to after each riff, maybe the frequency is too low for the laptop speakers. It seems as if the strings below (B in relation the E is lower) the ones I'm playing are the ones that cause the noise. I've tried to use my left hand for muting but it seems like an impossible technique to develop, I'm probably doing something wrong...
  10. Ok so i've searched everywhere for a technique on how to mute strings that are not being played while slapping and all i got was the slap/mute techniques (ghost notes). My questing is, while slapping how do you mute the string that are not being played? We all got our finger style muting techniques (floating thumb, resting thumb), but what about slapping?? to illustrate the problem im having i've recoded a small clip, you can really hear how noisy and un-usable my slap technique is, and i think its mainly because of unwanted string noise. this riff is played fasted on the original recording i slowed it down to emphasize the problem. the riff im playing is Pleasure - Glide (maybe im not playing it correctly, extracted by my untrained ear) - the notes are E - B - C sharp D - E - F sharp G sharp B - C sharp ( Sorry but i cant find the sharp symbol on my apple keyboard!?!? ) [attachment=23802:slap_issue.mp3]
  11. Everything you see in the following video is a mix of youtube clips (Even marloweDK is there). I would imagine that just the harmonic shifting and time stretching probably took the guy who made this a year.
  12. I've just read this thread, i cant believe how awesome this guy is. He probably spends hours every day just answering emails. This is not a behavior that should be taken for granted, this is giving without expecting anything in return. very extremely rare.
  13. I came across this website and wanted to share this wonderful resource with my fellow basschatters. this website basically provides you with an audio track minus the bass track, you also get the chord progression. This is by far he best tool i ever came across to practice walking bass lines. I'm a complete begginer and the website provides beginner to advance packages. I know it sounds as if I'm working for these guys , but I'm not, I'm just really excited about this brilliant idea and i think that it can provide a ladder for those who want to practice their walking bass lines. [url="http://www.playjazznow.com/"]http://www.playjazznow.com/[/url]
  14. i've tried to practice this technique a couple of times but always ended up feeling like i might accidently bust my thumb nail. Is there a way to avoid getting the string getting in between your nail and your finger when you hit the string in the downward motion? I tried cutting my fingernail really deep, but it ended up with a sore thumb and still couldnt avoid getting the string "jammed" between the nail the the finger. Im probably doing something wrong...
  15. [quote name='Dan_Nailed' post='440819' date='Mar 21 2009, 05:36 AM']Works for Meshuggah - both guitars and bass go Line 6 -> PA.[/quote] Yeah but they probably have their own pro gear that comes along especially to support this setup. In ear monitors, and stage monitors that can keep up with the bass. As far as i understand, your generic and most common stage monitors are not designed to play only bass, very loud and for two hours non stop. I mean, i love my pod to bits. If i had the option to get myself an active Monitor that is capable of holding these frequencies for long periods and be very loud at the same time, i would go for it over any amp/cab combination. But these sort of options are left for bands like Meshuggah, who have the budget and the people to carry and engineer this stuff for them.
  16. [quote name='ARGH' post='439795' date='Mar 19 2009, 10:01 PM']Jim Fleeting of Ripon Made my headless 6 [url="http://luthiery.co.uk/"]http://luthiery.co.uk/[/url] Nice guy too.[/quote] Damn this is sexy!!! Is that within the threads budget????
  17. I was always under the impression that Billy sheehan was all bells and whistles, playing with mad technique and thats about it. but than i watched this video and technique, soul or whatever - its plain awesome! [url="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=D_5EDyD9D1Q"]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=D_5EDyD9D1Q[/url] what do you guys think??
  18. [quote name='TGEvans' post='434946' date='Mar 14 2009, 10:58 PM']I would like to know if anyone out there uses a bass pod or any other form of processor direct to pa for gigging? I have a bass pod pro xt floor unit and use it straight for recording but would like to know what they are like live in a band setting.any info much appreciated,tim[/quote] Last week i used my POD X3 live for the first time and it wasn't the best experience. During the sound the check the engineer complained that the signal was too hot, and indeed it was distorted. The volume had to stay at 12 o'clock, anything more than that got distorted. The second issue was that the monitor i was using couldn't handle the bass and made cracking noises throughout the gig. This obviously wasn't helping my playing as i couldn't hear myself properly. I would assume that most of the issues i experienced were caused by the engineer and not by the pod. Thing is, I dont have my own engineer and i have to work with whatever is available at the club (these engineers are usually not the sharpest tools in the shed). I love my pod for recording but i would not recommend it for live gigs unless you are working with your own engineer.
  19. thanks for your reply! Im also using the gain at 12 o'clock and i dont get any clipping. In vintage mode i get no hiss, but on super flat and modern i can hear hiss quite loud from around 12 o'clock on the main volume knob. It seems like the hiss is coming from the twitter, when i turn it down most of it is gone. Maybe it is suppose to be like that and im just paranoid? How does the Ashdown pedal sounds thru it? This combo could replace the definition of clean and hi fi in the dictionary i love it, but i need to have an option for a dirty sound and was thinking about the Lomenzo. cheers, ito.
  20. I've just purchased a roland D-BASS 210. This thing sounds amazing, better than anything else i've ever tried. I would write a full report on it once i gig and practice with it, i only had it for a couple of days at home. But i have an issue with it... I'm not sure if its my lack of experience with amps or a real problem. there is a very audible noise (hiss) coming out of it, even when there is no cable connected to the input. It seems as if the noise is coming from the input, when i turn the gain all the way up it really adds it. After i turn the gain all the way up and add some compression, thats when it really gets noisy. i think this shows that the noise is coming from the input section. Is that normal? i mean, this is a very high fi amp and i would expect it to be dead quiet. On the other hand we are talking 400 watts which is very powerful and would probably amplify every little nuance on the signal chain.
  21. Hello fellow bass chatters! If anyone is around Camden on the 6th of march, why not come and see my band at the Underworld? We play a combination of new/traditional metal/rock which you can listen to online at www.myspace.com/tranquilfury And dont forget to say hello to the bass player!
  22. Just wondering, anyone likes the tone of the bass on this song?
  23. [url="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kA3d5W8o770"]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kA3d5W8o770[/url] Random and repetitive! I'm a big fan of Primus and Les Clayppol. I've been waiting for him to come and play in the uk for ages, i might missed him but it seems like the UK is not such a big number on his list (Apart from promoting his film of course)
  24. [quote name='warwickhunt' post='416853' date='Feb 22 2009, 07:39 PM']For Tecamp also see Tech Soundsystems; same company different name. They've been going years and the later 'neo' Tech Soundsystems cabs are essentially identical to the recent Tecamp neos. They also do a 'budget' range under the SECO brand (http://basschat.co.uk/index.php?showtopic=39142&hl=seco not a 2x10 but you get an idea of spec and weight).[/quote] Nice one, i'll keep my eyes open. Since you are already here warwickhunt, is there any consensus among warwick players on which amp/cab works best with the signature warwick sound?
  25. I really really appreciate guys like him. I really dont care about the faces he pulls, he give FREE lessons and Im yet to find a hidden agenda behind it. Apart from the free stuff, i also found a lot of new music through his page. Pleasure, for example i never heard about them, now i got everything they ever made. To me he is some sort of a modern Funk portal.
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