I have a wedding gig coming up very soon. We're all mates of the groom: most play in a big band together, but I'm not the regular bass player. The set includes All Night Long, We Are Family, Let's Dance, Never My Love, God Only Knows, Move On Up, I Feel Love (gulp!).
I've always said I hated flats, but am having to eat my words. I've tried foam damping on rounds, but only flats will do, even if the bass is a lowly Ibanez TMB30.
My problem with flats has always been getting the sound to cut through. Any advice on EQ'ing for the performance? I can take a EQ pedal. The band includes brass, woodwind, strings, about 20 of us. The groom's on guitar, and as he usually plays the French horn, there's another unknown factor!
(I wondered if this question should be in a technique section, but I did a search and all the related posts were in this forum)