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Everything posted by PinkMohawk

  1. I do something similar, the splitter I use being in the middle of my chains, with separate drives after it on each channel, and it works just fine for me, not had a single issue with it.
  2. Hey guys, I'm searching out a hard case for my Epiphone Ripper bass (one of the recent ones) and I'm having trouble finding anything. I've got a case that might fit, but would require modding and voiding the warranty. Gig bags won't do, my band tours a fair bit and they just don't offer enough protection or stack well in the back of the van.
  3. Hey mate, are you open to trades?
  4. Just get it all on a board man, easier that way. Plus, it doesn't limit you to only multi's that have a DI out.
  5. Korg Pitchblack+ will do just that mate, my guitarist uses one to switch between wireless/cable in case of emergencies.
  6. I make my own straps out of nylon/poly webbing usually, since I found enough to make a strap for my main when I was working. However, I've since gotten a spare, and my guitarist has asked if I can do him a couple, so I need to actually find some now. What I'm asking is if anyone knows where I can 4 inch wide webbing? Black is ideal, but any supplier will do, since everywhere I've looked only supplies up to 2 inch wide webbing.
  7. So I've got a pair of old Peavey Century 120 Bass Series heads, and I'm having a little trouble with them. I plugged them in at home, turned them on, they made noise, sounded good, etc. But earlier I took them to my practice space, plugged them in, and the moment I turned them on the circuit breakers tripped, killing the sockets in every room in the building. Now, I can't risk taking these heads out into the world and having them tripping circuit breakers at venues, so any help anyone can offer would be appreciated. I feel like I should say, I am running the amps at home with a Belkin Surgemaster powerstrip, but I'm unsure whether or not that makes a difference. The guy who runs the practice space says that the more modern RCD's are much more sensitive, and will trip very easily, whereas older ones such as the ones in my house won't. This does seem to be the case, but like I said, I need to know if there's anything I can do to fix this issue.
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