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Everything posted by handman

  1. handman

    PJ bass

    Looking for some advice I recently fitted p bass pick up to my jazz bass(entwistle pbxn and jbxn). After wiring it all up and giving it a test run the could only be best described as disappointing 😩 muddy no treble and vol and tone controls only at the extreme of there travel, what have I done wrong ? , should have sounded great but it's just rubbish😱, HELP!!!
  2. Is this bass still for sale ?
  3. Thanks Rumple for the info, just one more question, I have entwistle jbxn pick ups in my jazz going to replace the front pick up with a pbxn do I need to replace the tone pot capacitor or do I just wire in the new pick up.
  4. OK could really use some advise, l have been thinking about installing a p bass pick up to my jazz bass, only problem is where to get a pick guard from , any of you guy's know where I could source one from UK based would be best as I'm quite impatient when I get a crazy idea in my head, would really love to buy a Reggie Hamilton jazz bass but as is common , cash flow will not allow this plus the misses would kill me.
  5. Beautiful bass, fantastic playing.
  6. Just a quick thought, looked at the volume/ tone controls one has star earthing and seem to be be the quietest the other don't , could it be that simple, has anyone carried out this mod?
  7. Installed the pick up's and yes they are very tall just used the original sponge,not really had a chance to do a full test yet but initial impression are that they seem to have a lot more punch.still got the him but will have to look into that further.
  8. I'm pretty handy with a solder iron , so that should no problem fitting new pick up's.Doing this really is about having some fun , messing about with a bass, trying some different thing out, bit of a project/hobby really
  9. OK waiting for these entwistle to arrive, just doing some testing /comparison. Stingraypete1977 was bang on the money indeed after removing the bridge i found the earth wire sunk into the paint . I have removed cleaned and repositioned the wire and clean the bridge but the thing is there is still a very loud hum when the bass is not being grounded by me, the thing is it's a lot louder than vm70 5 string which is basically the same guitar so I was thinking could this be down to the pick up's, what do you guys think ?
  10. Pulled the trigger on some entwistle, should be arriving next week, hope they are OK reviews seem quite positive
  11. Are these still for sale very interested need some replaces for my terrible squire pup's, please let me know. Cheers
  12. Buy a stingray,oh god I can feeling of deep depression welling up inside, you see I use to have a 1983 stingray in very very good condition back in the 90's and I foolishly sold it. What an idiot😅
  13. Cheers for that will have a go tomorrow, any ideas on the pick up's, I also have a 5 sting vm70 jazz and the difference is night and day, maybe I should trawl fleabag to see if I can find a pair
  14. Some help and advice would be much appreciated , I have recently acquired a 2003 squire jazz bass to tinker with really and maybe upgrade as and when I've got some spare cash, the thing is trying it out tonight I noticed quite a lot of humming coming from the bass but became a lot less when I grounded it by touching the strings or bridge. Also the pick up's are really useless now I was thinking I could up grade with some Wilkinson, price seems about right and maybe it might also help with the earthing issues, what do you guys think ?
  15. Is that price Fixed or is there any give.
  16. Still looking for some advice, was going to buy the head but the was a good deal on a peavey Max 112 combo but these are now of stock so it back to the drawing board. So now I've made a new list of potential buys. Mibass 2.0 and mi bass 12 cab,markbass cmd 15 jb ,mi bass 10 combo or a peavey Max 115, what do you guys think would be the best way to go, I will be using this for home practice with a very to doing a bit of jamming with some mate's, would prefer to buy New to get warranty. Which one ?
  17. OK music I'm trying to play is mainly soul/r&b,the bass's are a Washburn force four and a 5 string squire jazz.found a mibass 2.0 on the classifies here for £150 seem to be a fair price , don't no much about them but reviews seem OK, now looking for a cab.what do you think ?
  18. Been away from the bass for a long time but recently rediscovered the joy of playing really badly (thank god for headphone),came across this forum, everybody seems really friendly .been having a great time reading all these thread and catching with what's going on in the world of bass
  19. Hi everyone, stopped playing around 10 year ago but have rediscovered playing the bass, anyway the problem is it's been so long since I have had amp/combo that I just don't what to buy,seem to be all these new make that I have never really heard of before so I'm pretty much clueless as what to by,my budget is around £400 I have seen some class d heads and cab that seem to be in my budget range but I just done know enough, so any help would be greatly appreciated. Cheers
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