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Everything posted by jonno1981

  1. Cheeky bump for the weekend chaps. This is a great cab and needs to find someone who will use it more than I have.
  2. That looks great! Mine had an odd rattle on anything below a low G but went away after I tightenned up all the visible screws a bit. Great choice. I played a theatre gig in a 300 capacity venue with the volume at around 11 o clock on the Ashdown and the soundguy said he had hardly anything going through the PA as the rig blasted out nearly enough lows to fill the room! Hopefully youtube evidence at some point. Enjoy the cab it looks fantastic.
  3. All Warwick basses built recently (ie 3-4 years I think) are pleked in the factory in the same way they do all Framus guitars. If the action is high then all you likely need is a good set-up. Pleking could be worthwhile if you play with a very unusual string gauge or tuning to improve intonation. Just my 2 pennies worth
  4. Due to the recent arrival of a Schroeder 410l this cab is now surplus to requirements. I bought this second hand about 2 years ago from a player who used it occasionally for a rock covers and function band. It's had about 30 gigs since then with on average a rehersal a week and stood up really well to a loud guitarist and drummer. This cab really cuts through a loud mix with a very hifi like tone. The driver arrangement has a 12 voiced for lows at the back of the cab with a further 12 in front of it for mids/highs. It makes the cab very manageable to move around while still providing a serious amount of bottom end if required. It's also got the best tweeter of any cab I have ever used before with a sturdy toggle selector on the back panel to vary the volume. Connections wise its Speakon with a socket to footswitch the tweeter in/out. Condition wise it is identical to when I got it. The carpet covering (why dont more makers use this type!) really stops the bumps and knocks from damaging the exterior. Its got a small mark on the front right face of the cab which is visible in the pics but that is it for cosmetic flaws. I have never had to open up the cab or service any parts of it as it has always performed without fault. I live in Wokingham near Reading and buyers are welcome to come and have a look at the cab, I live in a terraced house so huge volume levels are not possible At the moment all my other gear is in storage but I can arrange to have a head here if anyone wants to plug in and can't bring their own amp over. I may be able to deliver within 20 miles or so but am not looking to ship this one. Collection is very much prefered! Price wise I paid £400 a couple of years back and am looking to get £300 for this one. Paypal is fine by me if you add another £10 to cover the fees. I think its a fair price given the condition and how great this cab sounds. This is an outright sale as gear wise there isn't anything I am looking for at the moment and the extra cash would be nice for a holiday next month. Please post or PM me here and I will try to check back at least once every 24 hours. I hope it finds a good home
  5. Thats amazingly quick. As a word of warning mine sounded a little woofy and brittle the first time I used it properly as the neo's really needed a bit of running in. Roughly 50 hours of use later it's completely opened up and sounds huge. You have a great pair of cabs to choose from! I think I might have to get another smaller one for little gigs. I'd be really interested to hear how it compares to the 21012.
  6. That bass looks incredible. Yes please. I would really really love to add a P to my Sad J but with holiday, deposit on a house etc etc etc Would you accept a Kidney??
  7. I love the sound of my 410L That looks a cracker too. Custom grill looks niiiiiiiiiiice! Black and white stripes??? Wicked!
  8. jonno1981

    Hi All

    After following this forum for bloody ages I thought its about time I registered and took part a bit more! I'm John and I've been playing bass for about 10 years in various angry, noisey rock bands and a few function things. At the moment my main band is a very Prog infused instrumental 3 piece called heights (cue obligitory myspace link) www.myspace.com/heightsuk We take our influeneces from Genesis, Yes, Rush, Dredg, Porcupine tree type stuff. Its all unusual tunings/time signatures and I really really enjoy it. Gear wise its taken me years and a terrifying amount of cash to find the set-up I have at the moment which I am 100% happy with. After trying: Fender, Lakland, Modulus, Warwick, Alex at the Gallery showed me his stock of Sadowsky's and I was really blown away. The only bass I have is a Metro MV4 in see through white and I adore it. It just works so well for the stuff I like playing and is nice and light without sacrificing any lows when amplified. Amp wise my gigging head is a 4-5 year old Ashdown rc 500 evo which has stood up to a lot of abuse and bashing around without skipping a beat. At one stage is was being used for 10-12 hours a day when it was in a rehersal room business I got involved in for a bit. Everything still works and it still fills a room nicely with a very deep rumbly low end. It is a bassy head and probably lacks a lot of treble response compared to a lot of the newer brands like PJB or Mark bass but it fits the gigs I play really well. I used to use ABM 2x10 and 1x15 cabs which sounded huge but were a real pain in the arse to move around so I switched to neo cabs a few years ago. I got a tech soundsystems 2x12 which stood up amazingly well as a standalone for small to medium size gigs. As a monitor it's immense as its so bright sounding and articulate but it lacked a little bit of absolute bottom end so I've recently upgraded to a Schroeder 410l. After looking on basschat and talkbass I got interested in this brand which seems to be on the up and have universal positive reviews and more importantly examples of great service when problems came up. I got a great recomendation from a member of this board called water ontyne which helped me to decide to buy one. It weighs next to nothing and sounds ridiculous. I have never had so many comments on my sound since I got this cab. For anyone who still drags about 40kg plus 4x10s like the old Trace cabs you really should try one of these. It sounds really ballsy and rock and roll and I cant say enough good things about it. Right rig talk over. See you on the forums!
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