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Frank Blank

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Frank Blank last won the day on February 11

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  1. You know it's the law Reg...
  2. Or time to annex the Sudetenland?
  3. Easy for me though because I play in an acoustic duo so it's essentially just quite niche tone shaping.
  4. Latest, and hopefully final, iteration...
  5. Ohhhh Stubbs, I just love it when you're masterful... *swoon*
  6. The best description of a Bass Bash I've ever seen, it's exactly that.
  7. Put SOLD in the advert title and it will close the thread.
  8. Just purchased an Effectrode pedal from Paul. Excellent transaction and comms, wholly recommended. Therefore, Paul receives the Frank Blank Seal of Approval...
  9. A the actress said to the vicar.
  10. Of course, I must message you.
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