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Frank Blank

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Everything posted by Frank Blank

  1. Exactly this. I used to get good quality black leads nicked or lost all the time, now mine are in a variety of daft colours this has stopped happening.
  2. Yep, I’m good, was just missing that bass reading this!
  3. Sh1t5 and giggles? Why not have eight drummers like...
  4. Do you still have the Taylor Mini Bass and as I’m typing that have I asked you that before?
  5. Oddly enough I agree, they were a tad busy but really crisp.
  6. I enjoyed those a lot more than I thought I would, I usually run a mile from anything with the word medley anywhere near it. Enjoyed the drumming in particular.
  7. Yeah, let's have some ...
  8. Agreed. I did this at first but found myself needing it less and less as I became more accurate, luckily it didn't turn into a habit.
  9. Totally agree about the Peterson tuner, mine is permanently on my fretless but you gradually refer to it less and less as your ears improve.
  10. I have had many acoustic basses over the years as I play in an acoustic duo, the loudest was a Fender Kingman which could hold its own when rehearsing with an acoustic guitar and vocals but really they all need amplifying.
  11. This is very true. I play a lined Rob Allen Mouse and most of the bass lines I write and play are up the dusty end around the twelfth fret. I tried several fretless basses over the years and never gelled with them, the RA Mouse however was perfect. I think the whole ‘lined/unlined position of dots’ is set by how these things are on the fretless you start on. There are very strong opinions on all aspects of fretless basses and the playing thereof but I suggest reading them and playing them in a way that suits you. I agree with everything @lownote12 says about fretless and I always read his comments, particularly on fretless, with immense interest, however I do the opposite to almost everything he suggests just because I started off playing one (foolishly) without any advice. I play some of the songs in our set with slides, some without, depending on what I feel appropriate to the song, but then I’m a huge Mick Karn fan so I’m going to slide a bit too much. All I’m saying is don’t think there is an absolute right or wrong way, play it how you want to. I play fretless how I want to, in a way that suits me, but I also keep an eye on the stuff far more experienced fretless players, like @lownote12, suggest and I found tons of it really, really helpful but some people (absolutely not @lownote12 I hasten to add) will tell you that there is only one way to play and anything outside those parameters is wrong, that’s nonsense. Take good advice, sure, but play fretless how you see fit.
  12. These basses are completely unique, I miss mine a lot.
  13. If there was a make of amp with a whelm knob I’d buy it.
  14. Paging @skelf, who builds them so should be able a) to let you know and b) build you whatever you like. I have a 32” scale ACG but nothing really to compare it with.
  15. Put designacable into Amazon, pick jacks, lead lengths, colours. I swear by them.
  16. Got you. I have only used D’Addario rounds and flats, Newtone rounds (with a round core) which are, now you mention it, a bit smoother that D’Addarios and LaBella flats on my fretless which are superb.
  17. I’d email Neil, they might do flatwounds on request. I’m not really sure what you mean by smooth / rough but then my experience of strings is very limited as I’ve always used D’Addarios but just recently converted to Newtone.
  18. I wonder if Newtone would wind you a set, or individuals. I’ve just moved over to using them and the product and service is superb.
  19. Quality common sense there Sir, as always, so cheers. I think it is, however, confirming my penchant for basses no longer that 32” in scale. I will be rotating them regularly in order to make up my mind.
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