That’s it, it’s all over, a) I am now officially an ACG fanboy (although I’m really too old to be an anything ’boy’ but fanman..? I dunno), b) I’m keeping the Harlot. It’s just back from TJC Guitars having been fully set up and restrung with Newtone Platinum Roundwounds and man it sings, no way I’d ever get a bass of its ilk again, it has that undefinable extra something that I suppose we are all looking for in a bass. It’s a GAS killer as far as fretted electric basses go. I’ve a feeling that once I get the short scale bass that @Jabba_the_gut is working on for me I’ll be done...
...mind you, I can’t get @TheGreek’s Psilios bass out of my head?
There is no end to GAS is there?