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Frank Blank

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Everything posted by Frank Blank

  1. That was an emotional journey.
  2. What is ‘the old electric soup?’
  3. I’m aroused.
  4. I’ve made many successful and game changing decisions about basses using the wealth of experience, wisdom and knowledge of the faceless anonymous people on this forum. I agree trust your own judgement but sometimes those decisions can be made in a far more informed fashion with the help of folk on here.
  5. Perhaps imagine that the first half hour of your Saturday was the half hour you have left on a Friday to get prepped, that way you’d be prepped early on Saturday and have the rest of the day to craddock abaht.
  6. Then definitely 2020 - Richard Dawson.
  7. 2020 - Richard Dawson.
  8. Don’t all Laklands have those? They look so unsightly, I’m with you.
  9. Gosh...
  10. I have considered swapping out the bridges on previously owned jazz basses but only for aesthetic reasons as I think jazz bridges look poo but having played original and modded I don’t think it makes any discernible difference, no doubt people will disagree but you’ll not get any actual evidence of such.
  11. 1. Smoke ½ oz dub cabbage. 2. Summon ancestors. 3. Turn up at gig with golf clubs instead of bass. 4. Tee off.
  12. If you sell your bass later you can’t charge as much because it’s been “f***** about with.” Fixed.
  13. Hello!
  14. I shouldn’t worry, he’s just trying to palm you off.
  15. How splendid, a reasonable Moderati wielding their powers properly, there. Good show. Brilliant.
  16. You know what? I reckon we better start talking sensibly about basses soon otherwise we’ll get thrown off this forum and on to the wet cobbled streets outside the church.
  17. @Twigman isn’t btw.
  18. Savages are superb.
  19. Touché Cecil.
  20. I would posit that this album (with one or two others) were the precursors of what would become post punk, however, at the time it sounded so totally different from anything else, so different from Lydon’s previous band, that I just thought of it as uncategorisable, or perhaps avant-garde at a stretch. Nothing sounded like it before and nothing as since and it remains, by a country mile, my favourite album. I’d definitely say profound.
  21. ...you beat me to it!
  22. That’s so cool, my dad was a tnuc.
  23. I have no desire to sound the same but here’s Jah Wobble with what’s probably my favourite wobbly line...
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