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Frank Blank

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Everything posted by Frank Blank

  1. Suck it? 😁
  2. Or perhaps a Bolivian gypsy trio playing math rock on cucumbers strung with Elvis wigs because everything is like everything else.
  3. All basses are like all cheeses.
  4. All strings are like everything else, everything else is like all pickups. Omnisimilar.
  5. All basses sound like all locations and all locations, basses and everything else are good for metal (and every other genre of music).
  6. A jazz bass sounds like Cheltenham tastes like modern art feels like petrol fumes smells like introspection and looks uncannily like progress. Yeah... take that objectivity.
  7. Hello *waves*
  8. Cracking bass player too, little known fact. A true pioneer, sadly missed.
  9. Bloody Jazz basses, over here, over sexed, over played.
  10. As T. C. Lethbridge writes in his 1963 publication Ghost and Divining Rod... “To walk the paths and old tracks of England on an autumn morning is to walk with men from time immemorial on routes between sites whose function and import is now lost in the whetstone mists that surround our ancestral past, and yet in returning home, warming ones bones by the fire and knocking out a scale or two on a Jazz bass, one feels somehow reconnected with this past, these people, this England of ours. The very notes conjure quiet streams trickling through meadows leading towards the quiet mysterious stones that somehow seem to watch and know, perhaps, just perhaps, our ancestors await us there?”
  11. All threads read the same to me.
  12. I’m with @NancyJohnson on this. One of my first posts when I’d only just joined BC was this one... ...and I still think the essence of what makes a bass is something oddly undefinable. I remember everyone coming out of that blind test at the SE Bass Bash in 2018, some looking quite bemused that they couldn’t tell basses apart. I have recently finally found a fretted bass that I really like, the ACG Harlot SC, I love the shape of the bass, I love the woods it’s built from but it just has this kind of aesthetic harmony to it that hits all my likes, unsurprisingly I think it sounds incredible too but could I have picked it out in that blind test? Bet I couldn’t...
  13. That’s a handsome colour.
  14. Blimey, yes, I remember seeing them at the Corn Exchange in Cambridge, they had to close the venue for a fortnight afterwards because Mötorhead apparently caused some structural damage, excellent.
  15. I like some ridiculously heavy music but less and less frequently these days and nothing (imho) beats Reign in Blood anyway, and before anyone says ‘That’s not the heaviest’, I agree, it’s just class.
  16. Just gently reminding you of the raison d'être of most online forums, in fact one might argue, the whole Internet. Endless, endless debates between people who can’t make their minds up 😁
  17. Ha ha. I remember John Peel introducing a Slipknot track saying “It’s amazing what teenagers mistake for disturbing these days”.
  18. This is so true, most folk In civvie street no nothing of the microcosmic intricacies we go into!
  19. These threads are gradually boiling down until the Basses - they all sound the same thread.
  20. It’s lighter than my Godin but heavier than other basses I’ve had. I think (for me) some of the weight is offset by the ergonomics of the bass somehow.
  21. Great amps, good price. Really rather miss mine.
  22. Genuine quote from an acquaintance... ”You know, that bloke from U2? Wassisname? The Fence...”
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