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Frank Blank

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Everything posted by Frank Blank

  1. Musicians..? With an ego problem..? Unheard of 😀
  2. All your base are belong to us.
  3. Hello!
  4. Same way a dog uses a lamp post.
  5. I far prefer yours.
  6. Yes, yes you’re right... *throws it under oncoming milk float*
  7. Dude, seriously, let me turn up in your place and do the gig for you, oh my lord.
  8. Oh lord, lord above. What I’d give to be in your position, Sir, go full mayhem, make the accounts look like scenes from Apocalypse Now!
  9. děkuji, na kolečkových bruslích.
  10. Fixed.
  11. ...or do the gig and just play absolute nonsense on the bass with your foot up on the monitor and introduce every song as a tribute to the former leader of the Communist Party of Czechoslovakia Klement Gottwald.
  12. For Sale - A4 Bass Ultra Natural SG Fretted RN SA Withdrawn
  13. It’s an amazing bass.
  14. On a more serious note I can understand your quandary completely. No matter how beautiful it is or the amount of work done to repair it your personal experience with this particular bass has nonetheless been jaded. It’s really very little to do with the physical item itself, It’s much more psychological than that. I actually think you need to ignore all of us and see if you can reconnect with it, if you can then great, but if you can’t I don’t think you shouldn’t worry. Our relationships with things as personal as musical instruments is finely, finely balanced. Good luck Sir.
  15. @jebroad is this still being held on the original date?
  16. Essentially if a reggae band is headline in Brighton Samsara are invariably backing up, sadly they are f****** hopeless at communicating with their fan base. However I have a South Coast Samsara insider so I’ll give you a heads up if I hear anything Sir.
  17. Surely nothing is going to top that b e a u t I f u l Spector of yours?
  18. Hopefully Samsara will be backing up Steel Pulse in Brighton and The Abyssinians, also in Brighton. Not a band I’d like to go on after as they manage to get the coldest audiences in a big fat groove within a few bars. Brilliant band.
  19. Well, I wasn’t sure this bass was staying, mostly due to the ergonomics of it when playing seated, however, having purchased a Kliq Aircell strap and having it set short, so quite high, it’s become really comfortable. Today sealed the deal, I sat down and vowed not to get up again until I had a good fundamental tone that I could then alter, song by song, with the Stomp. Surprisingly I found a good tone reasonably fast at which point I started to play some funk on it, blimey, it sounds so good! Now I’ve finally got used to the fact that it is the most beautiful bass I’ve ever seen I am now realising it is also quite the most beautiful sounding bass I’ve ever heard. I think it’s a keeper...
  20. I love the smell of kippers in the morning, it smells like... victory.
  21. As long as I can select kippers as the duelling weapons.
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