Seriously I’m pretty dumb sometimes. I play sitting down but the weight (especially of the Godin) is uncomfortable and the new bass (the ACG Harlot) is not as heavy but it is thinner and uncomfortable too, not only that but the ACG, in combination with my lovely belly, sits oddly. “Wear a strap!” Exclaims my musical partner. I considered this but discounted it because I didn’t think people did. Now I’m forgetting that my musical partner knows far more about this stuff than me so I started looking into it online and it appears that most seated players do use a strap, for a plethora of reasons. So, a couple of queries, anyone got any experiences/thoughts on seated playing with a strap? Any recommendations for a good strap bearing in mind that I have a very wide strap when I’m standing playing but although I would like to retain a wide section of strap over the shoulder I think it needs to be slender where it connects with the bass at the front for a sitting strap.