In fact, if you are anywhere in the vicinity of a Bass Bash you can try all sorts of basses and talk to a load of folk who know their stuff in a far less freaky atmosphere than that of a music shop surrounded by people who are interested in a sale rather than you finding a bass you really like. One of the brilliant things about this forum and the Bass Bashes is that since I’ve been a member every time I’ve entered a shop to buy something I am fully informed with brilliant unbiased info and can make my choices with a wealth of BC knowledge behind me. Go to a shop or a Bash try out everything, discuss any issues on here with the vast hive mind of experts and then buy a bass from the BC marketplace where you’ll get a much better bass than you may be able to afford if you bought it new...
...I sound like a fanatic don’t I? It’s just BC has completely, top to bottom, revolutionised every aspect of my bass playing experience. I wish I’d had access to something like this when I started out but, there were steam engines then, weren’t there.