Updated Attendance & Gear List:
01. Silverfoxnik - BC Rich Eagle, Ander van der End JB5, RBV5, Ampeg V4BH head and matching cabs.
02. Hamster - Tea, Coffee, Pastries, the Wife - might bring a bass!
03. @Frank Blank's Acoustic Corner - Rob Allen Mouse, Godin A4, FRFR setup (QSC K12.2, HX Stomp and HX Edit).
04. RodFunnell - '78 Stingray, Assorted Warwicks, Vanderkley Spartan, Mesa Prodigy 4:88, Barefaced Big Twin T and it's still a few months away so maybe more!
05. obbm - Sadowsky Metros, Handbox WB100,Bergantino cabs.
06. Cetera - Spector USA NS2, Spector USA NS2X 'Spectorbird', Spector Euro LT, Hamer Impact, Dingwall DBird Standard, Hagstrom Super Swede, Italia Imola GP, Fender FSR PJ, Fender FSR 70's Ash P, original Gallien Krueger 400RB, GenzBenz Neox 2x12
07. @NancyJohnson Lull JAXT4 & Lull JAX/NRT5, Darkglass A/O Head, 2xAguilar SL112s Barefaced Big One (the #000)
08. Rumblefish - Rumblefish bass,Wal Bass, MB Mpulse 600,Berg CN212
09. Steve Browning - SVL & Fender Precisions, Mesa Walkabout 15
10. @Stingray5 - MM and Tune basses, Trace Elliot or Eden combos, Boss GT-6B.
11. ChunkyMunky - Builds of mine (P5, J5 etc), SWR SM900, a Greenboy/Fearful build or two and some other assorted goodies.
12. samcrabtree00 - Warwick Streamer Stage II, USA MM Sub, Genzler Magallen 800, Barefaced BB2, Various effects
13. TrevorR - Wal Custom and Pro, Aria SB700, MarkBass LMII & Traveler 2x10
14. @Graemeross 4 Ps, 3 Js, 2 Aria SBs , Darkglass MT900, 2x Barefaced BB2, HX Effects with Line 6 G75 wireless.
15. prowla - Rics, Warwicks, Statii (whatever I chuck in the car!), Markbass EVO 1 & 1x12. Maybe a Minitaur & 12-step (if I've got 'round to figuring out the 12-step by then).
16. OrangeFriday - Third build - J bass - may contain LEDs...
17. Wolverinebass - haven't decided what to bring yet.
18. Kebabkid - A Roland Bass Cube 120XL and a couple of 4 string Sires (V7 & V3)and if there's a bass shoot out, I'm happy to include one or both of these in thecompetition
19. MacDaddy - custom Shuker/s, Snapdragon Folding Bass, Rob Allen Mouse.