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Frank Blank

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Everything posted by Frank Blank

  1. Welcome Sir.
  2. Yessir. I was starting to wonder about the QSC simply because I couldn’t get the volume out of it, (not that I need it particularly in an acoustic duo) but I was beginning to wonder if it could be a contender in a full band scenario but after a tweak of input/output options between Stomp and QSC I’ve found the ‘earthquake if needed‘ option. As for the Stomp I’m completely converted to it. It took a little time to get ‘clean’ tones, by that I mean tones with just EQ and compression blocks that sound as close to each guitar going straight into the QSC as possible. Then (much like I did with the Fishman) using those blocks for very small tweaks to EQ and a touch of compression but then you have this infinite palette of effects and tone manipulation to refine with. I freely admit I was overwhelmed at first by the sheer amount of options along with my very, very scant technical know how but in the end, especially with HX Edit, you can just tinker ad infinitum until you are happy. I’d look at the screen and think ‘I have no idea what this means, best not touch it’ but then (as the vicar said to the actress) why not touch it and see what happens! So far I have two patches for each guitar, a ‘clean’ patch, as I said before, just lightly tweaked EQ and compression, I also have a patch for each guitar that is the ‘clean’ patch with a very short reverb added, already these four cater for our entire set but I think, with more experimentation, I will eventually have a patch per song. In one way the fact that we play acoustic guitars may sound limiting but having to make really tiny adjustments within quite a narrow sonic range is teaching me a lot so when I eventually join Hawkwind I will know how to dial up ‘spaceship over Stonehenge whilst being chased by the Windsor Chapter at 3am’ mode in seconds.
  3. Much like @LukeFRC, I used my Stomp for the first time this evening, so lovely to just hook up to the desk and hear exactly the sound you’d set up. It was a local open mic night that we do pretty regularly, all the amps had packed up , there were no monitors but I just confidently plugged in the stomp and was ready. According to one punter I had “The coolest looking bass” while we were setting up and afterwards I had “...the coolest sounding bass” too. Two points to Rob Allen, there but the Stomp won, exactly the tones I was after regardless of the technical limitations of the venue, what an extraordinary piece of kit.
  4. Bring whoever you like, you pay your money and you’re in!
  5. Nothing to worry about, in fact your 40-60s will make you realise what a load of balls the 0-40s really were. Oh and welcome of course.
  6. Just sold a preamp to Gareth. Excellent transaction all round, great coms, quick payment. Top Basschatter, deal with confidence.
  7. Anything by Wet, Wet, f****** Wet. I can usually be relied upon for a rational ‘one mans meat is another mans poison’ attitude but when it comes to WWFW I find myself foaming from 3-4 varying orifices.
  8. As in instrument or line?
  9. Oh, how do you do that..? Ignore that, found it, RTFM innit.
  10. Brilliant, thank you very much Sir! *salutes*
  11. Excellent! In Edit or on the Stomp’s screen?
  12. I have been working with the Stomp for a few days, oddly enough to just get base sounds for both the Godin and the Rob Allen, so trying to achieve good fundamental tones with simple EQ and compression blocks, now I’m experimenting with just a touch of reverb. My main (I won’t say problem) conundrum is one that I have always had and seems to be exacerbated by The Stomp is not knowing where to add/subtract volume. The Godin seems to have quite a normal output level but the Rob Allen has a very ‘hot’ signal. In trying to even up the presets I’ve created for each bass I’m left with a bewildering array of options for volume control. Obviously the bass has its own volume, then each block has gain or level or master, then the Stomp itself has a volume control on the front and then there is a gain on the back of the QSC. I never really knew which should be at which setting when I had a bass straight into an amp with the onboard vol and the amps gain and master so now I have the blocks + pedal vol too I’m even more confused.
  13. For a small fee, obv. 😉
  14. The Taylor GS Mini-e Bass. I had one of these, sounds like the perfect solution to your needs...
  15. Criminal indeed. I remember seeing the promo for Jessie late one night after the pub, it really put the hook in me.
  16. What a great album.
  17. Omne delectamentum in se habentem.
  18. This page is good for generating a collage of your albums, like this...
  19. Met Sid this morning at a bleak and windswept Park & Ride in order to give him an unused bit of kit. Had a cracking laugh, wish I’d had more time to hang but I’m due at The Vatican at five to be installed as a Cardinal. Deal confidently, a gentleman and a scholar.
  20. Well I’ve got four and they are excellent, I think @Stub Mandrel’s theory about bulk buying is almost certainly right, business models aside the designacables are top quality.
  21. Blimey, really? I saw them twice and never noticed, then again I was very, very drunk.
  22. Kraftwerk but with four Ron Mael (of Sparks) clones.
  23. *waves*
  24. Done.
  25. @Lee-Man Sorry to have headed off so quickly, I had Stomp GAS (which sounds like an ailment acquired in South Carolina) you know how it is..!
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