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Frank Blank

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Posts posted by Frank Blank

  1. 6 minutes ago, Greg Edwards69 said:

    Absolutely.  I've been aware of amp modelling for some time but just didn't 'get it'.  I didn't quite get the value of running an amp modeller into a bass amp and cab which has it's own voice (even when using the fx return).  An frfr speaker was the missing link and now it all makes sense.  I've now got a bunch of classic amp sounds at my fingertips (or toes) and I know they'll sound pretty much identical to the real thing.

    I’m yet to try amp modelling. I play acoustic basses that were purchased purely on their un-amplified tone and when I do amplify them I don’t use and effects apart from a touch of compression. I’m havering at the moment between purchasing a Helix Stomp or a Grace Designs Alix. I get the feeling that I wouldn’t use 95% of the Helix’s functionality but I’m sure I’d have fun playing about with it whereas the Alix appears to be the best type of preamp for my basses and band but it’s expensive for what is essentially my bass EQ. I think I’d like to try amp models though, who knows it might be a whole new world!

  2. 5 hours ago, EBS_freak said:

    I love this thread. Not so long ago, I was being shot down at the prospect of not using a bass rig as a bass rig.

    Thank for the tech Gods for change! 😛

    I agree totally, this thread has been a real eye opener for me and has changed my entire outlook on bass amplification. Finally I’ve got the pure tone from my basses that I’ve been looking for for decades!

  3. I’m still holding out for two band names featuring new town graffiti from my home town. One was a car park sign with the word ‘slagbonce’ sprayed across hence...

    Slagbonce Car Park

    ...and the other just two words sprayed on the wall of an underpass...

    President Youslags

    ...one day I’ll be in one of those bands.

    • Like 3
    • Haha 2
  4. 57 minutes ago, TKenrick said:

    ...but I've found that working with a fixed pitch reference has been invaluable in getting my intonation together on upright, so I don't see why it wouldn't translate to fretless

    It does. I use this method a lot.

  5. 54 minutes ago, charic said:

    And as FRFR apostle I'm sure you'd appreciate that we have both a Kemper and Helix in the band :lol:

    Strangely I actually wrote a song called Petrichor prior to joining the band, which musically fits the band perfectly.  The odds of that have to be between slim and none!

    Petrichor, Kemper & Helix, my new firm of solicitors, there.

    • Haha 1
  6. During my meaningless wanderings around the parish I find myself looking more and more at random pieces of wood or broken down wooden things and wondering if I can sequestrate said timber on @Jabba_the_gut‘s behalf. I wish I knew more about wood/timber in order to be more discerning and actually purloin some lumber rather than gaze thoughtfully at it.

    I have been discussing a stealth fretless build with @Jabba_the_gut but the more I look at this thread the more I think I’d just like a matching fretless!

    • Like 1
  7. I thoroughly enjoyed the whole thing but I think that’s because I totally ignored the songs, or rather none of them did anything musically or lyrically that aroused the slightest interest. Also I was waiting for Madonna, I’m hardly what you’d call a fan but as her career is on the downslope and this was a worldwide broadcast I thought she might do something radical or even controversial, unfortunately not, in fact she just blended quite well into the unremarkable pap.

  8. Fender Kingman is the loudest acoustic bass I’ve ever played but I’m afraid I agree with most commenters on this thread, I don’t think it’ll be heard above the other instruments/voices you are performing with. Get a small amp and you suddenly get a much wider choice.

  9. 3 hours ago, owen said:

    I got the impression that the Alix is a single channel version of the Felix (sorry if I am starting internet folklore here). In which case it is a lovely preamp. The Felix would have shown you what the Alix would do. In this kind of situation I would be all "distance selling" buy it to try it and then send it back for a full refund if it is not for me.

    I’m an idiot not to have tried the Felix out...

  10. 13 hours ago, owen said:

    I have a Felix. I had it at the Bass Bash.

    Sorry, you did not want to hear that.

    I saw the Felix but that has a channel for pugging the instrument into and one for a mic from the instrument in order to blend signals, I think? I don’t need the mic so I assumed the Alize would be the way to go?

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