Exactly what @Newfoundfreedom said. I owned the SS Jag and got rid of it within a month or two, I tried the Gretsch just a week or so back and it is delicious, trounces is the right word.
Typical me, speaking too soon, not got the Gretsch yet. Haven’t had a chance to get up to Bass Direct yet, there are a couple of short scales I’d like to try up there first.
I have to say PMTs stock system just seems to be a random display of virtual items displaying anywhere across their estate which appears to bear little or no resemblance to where any physical items are, even the staff in my local branch seem befuddled and exasperated by it.
A Rob Allen Mouse was my Damascene moment, I had three fretless basses previous to the Mouse, all of which I really struggled with, the Mouse, however, just felt like being freed up. Fretted basses feel restrictive and unexpressive now.
I’m not looking for anything that doesn’t drop in. I won’t be fitting it so more drilling is more work and, as you said before, it will cost a lot anyway with the Babicz!