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Frank Blank

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Everything posted by Frank Blank

  1. Having had such a bad experience last Thursday I was worrying about playing again but during today’s rehearsal my compadre suggested we looked to see what was happening locally this evening. It just so happened that an open mic night was being held at The Railway so we threw the guitars in the car and went down on spec. Well we had a total gas, a very eclectic group of performers doing varied covers, Fame, Where Do You Go To My Lovely, Word Up a pianist and a drummer just jamming this Latin jazz groove, so cool. We went on midway through proceedings and did a couple of our songs and played them much better than last Thursday. The organiser dude said at the beginning of the night “I’ll try and rustle you up something to put the bass through...” I’ve been struggling to get the sound I want out of the AER lately but tonight, when I got on the stage I plugged into this... ...the sound was (after a very minor tweak) just lovely. I dunno, amps. Monday night at The Railway, what a gas.
  2. I find a pair of light pink ballet shoes are just the ticket when tiptoeing across the endless carpet of animal faeces that threatens to overwhelm the major urban conurbations in Europe.
  3. I would indeed, if he wished too, obviously there are things to consider and watch out for, hence reasoned advice but, yes, of course. Sure, if that’s your choice, all of which, no doubt, have pitfalls and things to avoid but, like playing bass, alone or with others, can be a wonderful thing to do too. That’s great, excellent in fact, I’m still 100% behind the op doing his thing.
  4. Depends, some of the thrash bands I’ve been in required the selling of souls before the first rehearsal. I too voted remain.
  5. Oh don’t say that, it always kills the next chapter dead, but, I must admit I’m Basil Brush eager for then next instalment...
  6. Yes, it’s where us limey guitards buff our monocles before the Derby.
  7. I suppose the same way not all of us told Europe to **ck-off, not all of us have had your experiences with bands. I don’t think such sweeping generalisations help the op, indeed he may experience some of this things but I think he should be encouraged.
  8. I’m getting my weary brogues reinvigorated with Canadian *issues*.
  9. Oh right, I get it now, you have a soul... ...just for info, none of us have.
  10. Now for my money @StringNavigator‘s contribution to this thread might be the best reply I’ve ever read on here, seriously, that was an absolute blinder, encore, author, encore... DISCLAIMER: These posts are being provided solely for informational purposes. Anyone who plays bass and or any other musical instrument does not warrant the quality, accuracy or completeness of any information provided in this thread and such information is provided as is without any warranty or condition of any kind. Neither the vast majority of bass players nor any other musician associated with the creation of this thread or its contents shall be liable or responsible to any person for any harm, loss or damage that may arise in connection with the advice given, including without limitation, any indirect, third party, or consequential damages.
  11. I took the Ibanez up to my luthier, by this time I was wondering if I’d imagined the volume disparity. However, we did some tests and the E string was 7dB louder than the rest, we placed 2p pieces under the E on both pickups and it brought the disparity down. We are experimented with various discs of varying size and thickness and I left him to experiment. Years ago he had a customer with a similar problem but the customer sold the bass before the luthier had a chance to fix it. I think he’s going to do a piece in his Workshop Blog about the problem and the remedy, if so I’ll post a link here.
  12. I bought a black Jaydee Supernatural from there in the very late 80s, a bass I sorely regret selling.
  13. Apologies for the lyrics up the side, I dislike that.
  14. Just saw the Go Go Cult at a local pub, great bass sound from a little Fender combo on a chair and a little Fender bass with a skull hanging off the headstock. I was well disposed to their garage/rockabilly but when the singer ended their set with the words, “See you laters, desecrators...” excellent. It was nice to get some dB down me lug ‘oles.
  15. This does affect the A string it appears.
  16. I’m sometimes to be found recovering from a fully Victorian conniption being pushed around the grounds in a bath chair, legs wrapped up in a tartan blanket, coughing gently into a neatly folded hanky, upon which, on closer inspection, one can find tiny specks of blood. I’ll be in the library until dinner. Words are great. I was feeling a bit under weather once, way back in my teenage years, just the first inklings of a cold, someone asked me if I was ok, to which I replied “Yes, fine, just a touch of ontological nausea” their comeback was a grumpy “In English mate...” My love of words was partly inspired by that incident and my mother’s (spits) habit of cracking me around the head if I asked her the meaning of a word and yelling “There’s a dictionary in the cabinet, go and use it.” I no longer drink, haven’t for many years, but I did occasionally drink gin but on those rare occasions I’d always find myself sitting in the dark at 4am listening to Dead Can Dance, gin eh?
  17. Thanks dude, this sounds like the perfect remedy. Christ 17 Strings more than my problem, I’d have had a conniption!
  18. Just home from doing two songs at a local acoustic club. I tuned every string apart from the E for some reason (first song was slow and sparse so able to rectify whilst playing) but that seemed to set the tone for the rest of our little spot. We’d rehearsed those two songs so assiduously as well and then boom, the wheels came off. Disheartened and dejected right now.
  19. I was driving a band (who shall remain nameless) to the Tribal Gathering festival in 1997 and having settled the band at their tent I wandered into the backstage restaurant tent to be confronted by an entirely empty set of tables apart from one with Kraftwerk sitting around it. I went up to the counter, the chef was one I’d seen at a few festivals, “Kraftwerk over there, you don’t see that every day” he quipped. I was flabbergasted as I love (always have, always will) Kraftwerk, “I haven’t got a pen, or anything to get them to sign” I spluttered “Here’s a marker, get then to sign your T-shirt.” I marched back towards them clutching my marker pen but I bottled it and just stood there listening to them chatting and laughing.
  20. His book, Kraftwerk: I Was A Robot is an excellent read.
  21. I wasn’t that into The Lemon Twigs on first viewing but in light of the reaction on here I just watched them again and really enjoyed it.
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