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Frank Blank

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Everything posted by Frank Blank

  1. They did play at the Music Machine a few times... ...and here he is at The Music Machine with Siouxsie. Great gig.
  2. Really, the first time I listened to music and isolated the bass in my head, so to speak, and really digging the bass lines and understanding their importance was listening to Chris Squire. I've always wanted to play a Rickenbacker ever since but, like JJ Burnel, Squire's tone was dependent on faulty equipment so I don't suppose any Rickenbacker is going to sound like Chris Squire just like no Fender is ever going to sound like early Stranglers. Still like to try one though...
  3. He did play a Wal. I saw Bow Wow Wow a few times, he's a great player, still has a web presence I believe... Oh no, listed as inactive now. Anyway, great band, great bassist.
  4. A marvellous Bash in a lovely central venue, loads of room, loads of beautiful basses, lots of gorgeous Basschatters. I finally got to try a Warwick Thumb, I've always wanted to try one since they came out, now I know I want one badly. I shall have to consult Warwick specialists about which years were the best for a four string thumb. I also played a Kramer, finally, thanks to @floFC, I thought it would be heavier than a tungsten Jupiter but it wasn't quite that heavy, really lovely bass. Other than that I sat in a very comfy chair quietly guffing and playing my bass whilst occasionally plotting with @Owen around how to send @Jabba_the_gut home with less basses than he arrived with. I ate eight mini pork pies which, I think, was a whole packet plus two more and I also managed not to shout fiddle! every time a raffle winner's name was called. I may have eaten my own weight in Jaffa Cakes. For a confirmed misanthrope events like this are often difficult, I would argue this isn't my fault and it's more of a genuine and appropriate response to the vast amount of people who are, invariably, horrible. Bass Bashes are a refreshing corrective to this because bass players, it turns out, are, on the whole, splendid. As @Andyjr1515 was checking the setup of chatter's basses I thought it might be an interesting act of destabilisation to get Andy to check the setup of two of my @Jabba_the_gut basses hoping he'd find it wanting whereupon I would inform @Jabba_the_gut and we could have had them settle the issue in the car park in a gladiatorial scrap to the death. Unfortunately the setup was spot on and I was unable to deliver the Caliguaesque thumbs down from my chaise longue whilst being fed grapes by a minion. So, great Bash, thanks to the organisers and the participants. Next time can we make togas compulsory?
  5. Corrections... Bastard Bastard Bastard Bastard Bastard Bastard Bastard Bastard Bastard Bastard Bastard Bastard Bastard A very handsome and erudite fellow indeed Bastard Bastard
  6. Bastard Bastard Bastard Bastard Bastard Bastard Bastard Bastard Bastard Bastard Bastard Bastard Bastard A very handsome and erudite fellow indeed Bastard Bastard
  7. I also jest. I am also stupidly early for everything, but in my case it’s purely down to being a tït.
  8. Obsessive compulsive disorder (OCD) is a mental health condition where a person has obsessive thoughts and compulsive behaviours. I, on the other hand, am a bit early 🙄
  9. Remember what I said about being early… …I’m an idiot.
  10. Unfortunately lamb is so expensive at the moment I’d say perfecting one’s turnips might be the easier option.
  11. Right. Time to sleep. I usually wake up stupidly early and am sitting outside the venue yonks before anyone else turns up, I'm going to try and turn up at the right time like an adult for a change. One good thing about this God forsaken hotel is that I'm a mere step away from a Costa for breakfast coffee and an M&S for cake, granted, it might be Peppa Pig or some kind of caterpillar, but cake nonetheless, oh but they do those big tubs of chocolate things don't they? Obviously, being diabetic, I'll actually be bringing some cottage cheese and Ryvita and, if you are all very good, some cucumber!
  12. Well, I was debating which camera to take before I left but was distracted by a rather delicious sausage roll, half way up the M1 I realised that I'd forgotten both! Nice sausage roll though. Mind you, it's not the Midlands Camera Bash is it.
  13. Remember the wise words of B.A. Baracus...
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