I was lucky enough this year to acquire a fretless Rob Allen Mouse, until I played one I didn’t realise it was my dream bass fulfilling instrument. It is almost perfect apart from the fret marker lines are difficult to see from the top edge of the neck and do not extend down to the bottom of the fingerboard.
...before the play in the dark, don’t look, have an unmarked fretboard contingent get on my case, yes, perhaps in the future when I’m a far better player but for now I need all the visual help I can get from the markings on the neck, actually feel free to persuade me otherwise, I never underestimate the wisdom of the BC community. I digress, so my bass is going to the luthier tomorrow to have some kind of fret line extensions put in that will extend down the width of the fingerboard. Much as I have complete faith in my luthier (it only took me thirty years to find one who actually produced excellent results) the thought of a saw cutting through the neck of a bass that I love more than 99% of the people I know* is rather nausea inducing! I will do an ‘after’ pic once the work is done and you are all welcome to come try it out at the South East Bass Bash.
*this is actually not too difficult as I am an equal opportunities misanthrope.