Now that’s a difficult question to answer because I tend to choose instruments I buy very quickly, the one I’m going to purchase ‘becomes apparent’ almost straight away. In all honesty thei was very little difference between the Talman and the Jaguar, I was equally impressed with both, but the Talman was in cream, which I’d never buy and the Jaguar was black which I’ll always go for over any other colour but the ergonomics of the Jaguar just suited me more than the Talman. The Jaguar just felt ‘right’, it is comfortable, light and I just felt at home with it. I was impressed with the Talman, however I was smitten with the Jaguar. You are right, the look of the Jaguar is lovely, I really don’t like the look of the Talman headstock, again, aesthetics but with the basses being similarly priced things like that tip the balance. I loved the matte neck on the Jaguar, I think I’m right in saying the neck on the Jaguar feels a little rounder too...
I’m waffling, I just preferred the Jaguar for mostly undefinable reasons!