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Frank Blank

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Everything posted by Frank Blank

  1. Thanks for this. I ordered it in ash/walnut. If I like it I'm hoping to get the standard in fretless, unless they would do a fretless pro..? I must ask. I will post pics as soon as I get it.
  2. I have the AER Basic Performer, stunning build quality and a punch way above its size. GLWTS.
  3. Just as you posted that the status of the vessel changed to 'armed guard on board'.
  4. Try the old Bata shoe factory in East Tilbury or contact Tilbury Docks, they have some amazing old buildings and I once parked in a car park there walled in by cargo containers, it would make a great backdrop for a video.
  5. Heh, I sent an email to @Chownybass yesterday asking for an update on delivery of the latest batch of SWB Pros and I was sent a link to the Marine Traffic website so I could see where the container ship carrying the consignment was. Fantastic, I can now see just how slowly these ships move, ha ha. I have, like the sad trainspotter I am, downloaded the Marine Traffic app and I can report that the bass is in the Indian Ocean south of Oman heading this way at 13.5 knots. I'm beginning to love this company and I haven’t played one of their basses yet!
  6. For me there seems to be an inverse correlation, it appears seems the shorter the scale the more I play it!
  7. There’s only two of us but she makes extensive notes with chords drawn and such, as I don’t read I do everything by ear so, like you, I record and edit down to the best take.
  8. This is excellent, thanks so much for the tip!
  9. I was going to point out that this was a huge generalisation but then I can’t think of one UK rap/grime artist that I like, it’s difficult enough to find any rap or hip hop free of racism or homophobia but then you could say that of life/society I suppose...
  10. Not sure any of these are rap or hip hop per se but there we are...
  11. At a gig about ten years ago I drunkenly staggered back to my mic and said “We’re about three songs in and I think I may have used the C word a few times”, a voice came back from the darkness “Yes, eighteen times”, it was my boss from work. Could this be a record?
  12. I was once informed that rap was particularly suited to the French language because “All the syllables are the same length”, this may be horse poo but the person who told me was heavily into French rap.
  13. I am hoping to be.
  14. I would genuinely like to try it and, as previously mentioned, if it were 23” and EADG I’d be double interested. Something about the shape of it and the way you are going about building it is just speaking to me.
  15. Are you taking orders..?
  16. Oh lord, playing cards in the spokes held on by pegs, I miss that.
  17. You know what? I need some recent death metal recommendations. Reign In Blood was the last DM album anyone recommended to me!
  18. I used to attend a lot of Killing Joke gigs back yonder and their intro music included two snippets of songs that I loved but I could never ascertain who they were by. Turns out it was Faith Healer and Booids by SAHB. What a front man, what a guitarist, crazy and so sinister.
  19. Just purchased an SRC6 from @adamg67. Top comms, top fella.
  20. A mate of mine had one of these and I was beyond jealous.
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