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Frank Blank

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Everything posted by Frank Blank

  1. I know it's a bit of a long shot but might it be a Shergold Modulator?
  2. You are lucky enough to be just over an hour's drive from the finest luthier and guitar tech in the county, I drive three times that distance to get my guitars and basses set up by him, many people travel further, both nationally and internationally. Guitar Technical Services
  3. I used to get mine from Amazon but it seems like eBay is the only option at the moment. It's around a tenner but it'll last you years, a little goes a long way.
  4. I may well have posted this before but it's a banger from the very odd African Head Charge. Quite difficult to put into a reggae (or any other) category so to speak, but that's a good thing right?
  5. I use a QSC K12.2, can't fault it. They don't seem to come up S/H very often. Superb bit of kit, I use it in exactly the manner you want to.
  6. Oddly enough, exactly the same line up you saw then, back to the original members.
  7. All answers are helpful! Now I know the Acinonyx has a bridge problem! Are the bridges produced by Hipshot?
  8. I'm afraid I am one of the people who was very quickly kicked off TB for questioning the orthodoxy. My bridge question was about if it was possible to get a black bridge.
  9. Well, I have made three queries on the Nordstrand website, one about the bridge on the original and two about the fretless V2, the first of these was weeks ago, perhaps they don't want my money?
  10. Yes, I'm much happier collecting though after a couple of post/courier disasters. Thanks though.
  11. Sunday is good for me. I usually stay in a hotel the evening before and Friday evenings are the most expensive.
  12. Careful son, that one's under copyright ©
  13. I had one of these, albeit the fretted one, and let me assure you the quality is great. It's a lot of bass for your buck. Were it not 450 miles away I'd be very seriously tempted. GLWTS.
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