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Frank Blank

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Everything posted by Frank Blank

  1. Late night depressing rant now redacted so it doesn't put a downer on the thread 🙃
  2. As long as it doesn't clash with any other bashes I'm in.
  3. This is dependent on how sharp your nails are.
  4. a) sorry to be flippant b) really enjoying this thread even though it's all way beyond me c) carry on
  5. Could we then program Super Trampa to play Dreamer?
  6. I am very lucky to live just under three miles from Strings Direct, whenever I've dropped in the service has been top notch.
  7. This is very true. A friend of mine bought a cheap Washburn semi-acoustic years ago, about £200 worth (at least I think it was a Washburn?) We dropped in on the rehearsals of a reasonably well known band at the time and the guitarist wanted a look at the guitar. It was quite odd to see him swap his beautiful antique Gibson ES-295 for the little Washburn and plug the it into his rig, "It'll sound much the same" he said as a monstrous sound almost lifted the roof off. Funny how when my mate got it home and plugged it into his Marshall it sounded much like any other guitar played in any other bedroom.
  8. It was one of the very few times I was happily (and luckily) tongue tied by L'esprit de l'escalier. Vicars looking for beverages can jog on.
  9. About 35 years ago I was informed by an 'acquaintance', about 15 minutes before a gig, that I was "A s*** player with a s*** bass". He was absolutely right on both counts. Rather than chinning him I consoled myself with the fact that I'd been banging his Mrs for the past year and had indeed been doing just that, in his house, in his bed, that very afternoon.
  10. Christ, 00:17 and I've got effing Eloise by The Damned running round my head and I despise that song!
  11. Page 5 of this thread was like the knob Forsyte Saga wasn't it? Or The Knobsyte Saga even.
  12. From my bath chair parked in the orangery, I would just like to take this opportunity to raise a glass and say thank Bog for these technically-minded artisans working all this stuff out with slide-rules and such and crafting beautiful instruments so know-nothing drunkards like me don't have to dirty our hands in a workshop or wherever you can-do building types do your stuff. So cheers *waves a brandy in the air*
  13. OP - original post IMO - in my opinion
  14. Absolutely. Now once each knob has my name written on it, in Latin, in mother of pearl that lights up every Michaelmas we'll be getting near the brief.
  15. As does the body of the bass on the left, used to be in my fireplace with a Buddha sitting on top of it!
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