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Frank Blank

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Everything posted by Frank Blank

  1. There was a hollow body jazz on here a while back, I loved the look of it. I know, but I’ll be down to three Jabba basses soon so I’ll only have the SS ACG left to shift.
  2. I am going to try and get Jabba to build me a solid body based on that bass. Only if cake is a suitable trade.
  3. I love, love, love this bass. I may need to get details so I can commission one, from, er, someone.
  4. I’m surprised the toilet isn’t in bits!
  5. I think the original adverts for the Combo 300 read ‘Comes with extra lead.’
  6. Give him the benefit of the doubt, perhaps he was 56 an hour ago and is having a good run.
  7. Ah, see, I’m a back socket man, have been ever since I did National Service.
  8. I tired of the interesting sockets on the back of my Peavey, it was like braille pornography, all the best bits were worn out.
  9. I’ve had better relationships with some amps than with some previous girlfriends, none of them had such a variety of interesting sockets round the back.
  10. Me too, it was these or a green Carlsbro back in the punk days.
  11. Next time you rehearse ask him to turn his volume down to a reasonable level, don’t take no for an answer, explain your reasoning. When he refuses stick to your guns, just stick to them, he’s an unreasonable egoist bellend and nothing, but nothing, exposes idiots like reasonable reasoned requests. You’ll be home by eight and can start looking for a band who can actually work together democratically.
  12. I used to use Fender but every single one has gone on me! For that reason I moved to Designacable, Neutrik connectors, Van Damme cable and all sorts of lovely colours, not had any problem with them whatsoever and very easy to spot on a cluttered stage.
  13. Of course she uses fret sprouts because… a) she is a Goddess. b) liking sprouts of any sort sets one apart from the sprout disliking hoi polloi who can go to hell in a handcart. c) see a).
  14. Nigella Lawson was at the forefront of introducing fret sprouts to British cuisine. Fret sprouts are lovely sautéed with some bacon and walnuts and make a delicious addition to the a traditional Christmas dinner.
  15. I freely admit I use more than recommended and more often than recommended (I think it might be considered a slathering) and still no harm has come to my fretboards.
  16. I keep my basses and guitars in a room that tends to be a bit dry so I probably oil my fretboards a little more regularly than recommended and I’ve not experienced any of the problems on the aforementioned thread.
  17. Been oiling my fretboards for the best part of thirty five years, no problems, only benefits. My luthier oils fretboards if they need it as part of his set up services. ***this is my personal experience*** I can also heartily recommend reading the thread referred to above for… a) the interesting and thought provoking points of view expressed. b) the total and utter hilarity of a thread quickly descending into a Hogarthian scene that would wouldn’t look out of place in Apocalypse Now! c)The horror, the horror.
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