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Frank Blank

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Everything posted by Frank Blank

  1. A Frank Blank list... Went to the Midlands Bass Bash Bought a guitar built by @Jabba_the_gut Left the Bash after a matter of minutes Now grinning like an absolute idiot
  2. Jez is @Jabba_the_gut.
  3. I’ll be doing just that in a minute!
  4. Just back from the Midlands Bash, cheers @jebroad for organising the event. I didn’t stay for long, I was only there to pick up a bass from @Jabba_the_gutand I had convinced myself beforehand that it wasn’t really safe enough yet for gatherings. I shouldn’t have worried, @jebroad had opened all the windows, there was an excellent amount of mask wearing and no idiocy around wearing or not wearing them, I was only there for 30 mins but on the way home I began to regret not staying, it was really lovely to see the folk I got to see and I felt bad picking up my bass and then taking it away from people who might have wanted to try it out. Oh well, you live you learn.
  5. Bleary-eyed, hungry and with Travelodge blandness fatigue I staggered out of the ‘hotel’ this morning in search of food. Bolstered by coffee and vegan sausage rolls I jumped in the car without consulting my watch. I am now outside Doveridge Village Hall a full 2hrs and 34 mins early *sigh*. I am a serial early arriver, I’ve arrived days early for things before, never mind.
  6. Just turn up Sir, you’ll be most welcome. I’m going empty handed too, no requirement to bring anything other than your good self (and a fiver to get in). Tsk. 😉
  7. Im in Derby too, but I forgot to eat and could do with some of your cake
  8. Just checked back on my NBD post for this bass which has quite a lot of info from previous owners, it was built in 2009.
  9. I think @skelf may be able to answer these questions.
  10. I wondered where this had ended up, stunning bass. I regret selling this but then again, it is too long for me. You will not find a broader range of tones than the filters on this bass provide, it's a glorious thing. One day it'll find a permanent home. I think this is possibly the most beautiful bass Alan has made.
  11. I have gigged with the QRC K12.2 both with and without PA support. My Setup was essentially bass > HX Stomp > QSC and a line out the back of the QSC to the desk. In this case I would have the QSC in front of me in the trad monitor position. Without PA support I'd use the same setup but have the QSC behind me as backline. I never found it wanting in any gig situation, which were mostly like the ones you describe. I also made the change to FRFR after reading this thread and it's the best decision bass-wise I've made in 40 years of playing. I would never return to an amp/cab setup.
  12. Welcome @PoorQuentin
  13. Yes. RCF, Yamaha and QSC. I used a QSC K12.2 that did everything you ask.
  14. He is a similarly reflective mood in the P.I.L. documentary The Public Image Is Rotten.
  15. Paging @Bassassin
  16. @Soledadis quite right, very much optimised in the manner described. I have never seen a capo specifically designed for bass, which is why I’ve tried quite a few. I settled on the G7th C31020 Newport Capo. @Lfalex v1.1I was just rummaging through my desk and it turns out I have two of these or some reason, you are welcome to one if you want it? Very early on in my musical endeavours I saw a band and the bass player was using a capo so I never thought anything of using one. I play up around the 12th quite a lot and play a lot of chords, it’s just another tool in the bag for me. In fact, sod it, here’s me using one.
  17. I use capos quite a lot and subsequently have tried out lots of makes. I finally settled on G7th.
  18. I think this documentary could be seen as Craig's revenge/lucky escape.
  19. Bros: After The Sreaming Stops - BBC4 Friday (3rd Sept) at 00:30 (Sat morning). Just in case anyone missed this heart-warming documentary glimpse behind the scenes of the Goss brothers come-back* *I’m joshing, it’s just a hilariously cringe-making car crash that you will probably watch between your fingers.
  20. Bros: After The Sreaming Stops - BBC4 Friday (3rd Sept) at 00:30 (Sat morning). Just in case anyone missed this heart-warming documentary glimpse behind the scenes of the Goss brothers come-back* *I’m joshing, it’s just a hilariously cringe-making car crash that you will probably watch between your fingers.
  21. You are not reneging in any sense whatsoever. Likewise I am not attending this* nor the SW Bash this year for similar reasons to yourself. *Actually, I will be at the Midlands Bash very briefly but only to pick up a bass from @Jabba_the_gut but that'll be outside in the car park.
  22. Big Fad Gadget head here. Some of his early gigs were amazing, man he used to injure himself chucking himself around. A sad loss.
  23. I've just been through all 76 pages of this excellent thread, stuffed full of lovely goodness it is, proper thread. Bang up job @Reggaebass *applauds*
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