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Frank Blank

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Everything posted by Frank Blank

  1. They broke up after a few years, I think they must have got fed up with audiences constantly shouting out for Killing Joke songs when they played. I saw them three times in the 80s and that was the case at each gig, when I saw them at the Ace in Brixton the singer was so fed up with it he walked off after three songs. They started up again in 2014 and are still going, I haven't heard any of the new stuff though.
  2. You can't go wrong with the majority of his output, it's all great stuff.
  3. What up my knitting bredren.
  4. I shall be resuming my cross-stitch map of Wantage.
  5. I made exactly that move. Great as the Godins are they are terribly heavy and effing long, playing a Rob Allen was like taking a holiday.
  6. I had a fretless RA Mouse and was convinced I'd found the perfect short scale fretless, until I played @wrinkleygit's SS fretless built by our own @Jabba_the_gut. So convinced by that bass was I that I've sold the Rob Allen and if you pop over here... ..you can see the fretless (and fretted) basses he is working on for me. Never in life did I think I'd find a bass better than the RA but the Jabba built fretless beat it, only just, but it was discernibly better. Keep an eye on the thread and see what you think.
  7. Administrator? Schmadministrator more like!
  8. The best song title in the history of music Fat Lad Exam Failure...
  9. Ha, ha, of course!
  10. Anyone who likes Cardiacs reached a peak of coolness and never came down. That is all.
  11. I too am spaffed today! The TRLT refers to Those Little Reaction Thingys the limiting of which seems to be down to a set of criteria I certainly don't understand. I expect @Dad3353 might be able to enlighten us?
  12. Let's have the Junkie XL cover...
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