Well, it's been a bit of a whirlwind start to the year bass wise as my search for a fretted bass that I get on with continued at a pace. Back in November I purchased a Sandberg from @DoubleOhStephan after seeing another similar Sandberg on the Bass Gallery website. Obviously, due to lockdown, I was unable to pick up the bass. In late January I also decided to buy a short scale Warwick from The Lord of the Dead @Osiris thinking that really this was my last dealings with full scale basses and that I'd probably settle with the short scale Warwick, essentially it was my backup in case of disappointment. Due to lockdown I was also unable to pick up the Warwick either. By March I was going up the wall and my resolve crumbled. I bought the original Sandberg that had tickled my fancy on the Bass Gallery site. It arrived on the doorstep and here it is...
...it has everything aesthetically I want in a bass, matt sunburst finish, gold hardware, it is simply one of the most beautiful basses I've ever seen. I played it for 10-15 minutes and put it in the rack.
Last Saturday I was granted an audience with the Overseer of the Egyptian Underworld to pick up the Warwick. I got the bass home, here it is...
...I was really surprised at the build quality, an amazing bass for the money, gorgeous, lovely. I played it for about 10-15 minutes and put it in the rack.
On Thursday I finally drove down to @DoubleOhStephan to pick up the original Sandberg, I got the bass home and here it is...
I don't know what it is about this bass but I can't put it down, perhaps this is the one?