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Frank Blank

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Everything posted by Frank Blank

  1. Not many I hope! I used to sign whatever name popped into my head. One woman in Iowa had Frank Muir autographed across her left boob, I don’t suppose there’s much demand for reruns of Call My Bluff in the Midwest.
  2. I’ve signed autographs on various parts of fans bodies on various tours, especially in the US. I did genuinely explain each time that I was the drum and/or bass tech but it never made any difference, my awkwardness soon evaporated.
  3. The very video that convinced me to get a Rob Allen, love the whole thing.
  4. + 1 for Crafter, Yamaha and particularly the Gretsch Jim Dandy Parlour, just so much fun and really easy to play.
  5. Some of the guitar sounds like very early Killing Joke, which is nice.
  6. Actually I do wonder why so many basses are churned out in the default Fender shapes, I suppose the majority of players are just used to them. I’ve not (so far) found one I liked enough to keep. I bought a Sandberg late last year but haven’t had the chance to pick it up yet, I can’t imagine it will drag me away from my Rob Allens for long! We disagree (at least me with you) on very little in reality.
  7. ‘Fraid not, I tried one about a year ago along with an Ibanez Talman and a Squier Jaguar. I just remember it being the heaviest of the three. I bought the Squier*. *which I sold after about a month because I didn’t get on with it btw.
  8. I think this is by far the best option.
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