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Frank Blank

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Everything posted by Frank Blank

  1. See, I knew it would be a set up for demonstration purposes, you are a supremely sensible man.
  2. Obviously I have reported this knee/drill potential injuryfest to H&S who will be in contact forthwith.
  3. Welcome @plaaty
  4. Brilliant amps, particularly good for upright and acoustic basses. GLWTS.
  5. Ever since I was a young boy, I've played the silver ball From Soho down to Brighton, I must've played 'em all But I ain't seen nothin' like him in any amusement hall That deaf, dumb, and blind kid sure doesn’t understand the complexities of possible multiple visas or work permits when travelling and performing in Europe which some industry experts say will be expensive and potentially prohibitive - especially for musicians at the start of their careers.
  6. Actually I think the first signal is to Blunt’s pilot Andre asking him to start the helicopter (3:01) before he reveals his murderous final intentions by making the internationally recognised off with his head gesture (3:02) to Brian May. At this point Blunt’s evil sidekick Bruno was supposed to run in with a machete and decapitate the lanky Queen guitarist for still having an effin’ perm. Anyway Bruno was round the back having a ciggie with Roger Taylor so the whole endeavour was up the creek from the outset.
  7. Welcome @Sam L
  8. Not many I hope! I used to sign whatever name popped into my head. One woman in Iowa had Frank Muir autographed across her left boob, I don’t suppose there’s much demand for reruns of Call My Bluff in the Midwest.
  9. This is actual genius.
  10. I’ve signed autographs on various parts of fans bodies on various tours, especially in the US. I did genuinely explain each time that I was the drum and/or bass tech but it never made any difference, my awkwardness soon evaporated.
  11. The very video that convinced me to get a Rob Allen, love the whole thing.
  12. Elcome @jeanluc545
  13. + 1 for Crafter, Yamaha and particularly the Gretsch Jim Dandy Parlour, just so much fun and really easy to play.
  14. Thank you Late Junction...
  15. Welcome @BBbats
  16. Had two of these, absolutely amazing basses for the money GLWTS.
  17. Another delicious bass, what is it?
  18. Offffft, that’s lovely... what is it?
  19. I do love Hexstatic and The Herbaliser.
  20. Some of the guitar sounds like very early Killing Joke, which is nice.
  21. Actually I do wonder why so many basses are churned out in the default Fender shapes, I suppose the majority of players are just used to them. I’ve not (so far) found one I liked enough to keep. I bought a Sandberg late last year but haven’t had the chance to pick it up yet, I can’t imagine it will drag me away from my Rob Allens for long! We disagree (at least me with you) on very little in reality.
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