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Frank Blank

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Everything posted by Frank Blank

  1. I have had the opportunity to see them live twice, for free, when I was working for another band but was too tired both times, now I really regret it. They have tons of pyro, great show.
  2. I dislike live videos usually, almost never watch more than a couple of songs but watched this in it’s entirety and thoroughly enjoyed every minute, and the bass player plays a Sandberg model that I’ve just bought. Cracking show.
  3. I just watched Rammstein in Paris on Amazon Prime, hilarious and excellent, great show.
  4. Isn’t that an oxymoron? 😉
  5. All on EBay... https://www.ebay.co.uk/sch/i.html?_from=R40&_trksid=p2380057.m570.l2632&_nkw=fuzzy+felt&_sacat=80546
  6. Don’t leave your BC straplocks lying around, obviously they are going to be incorporated into a Fuzzyfelt ballet...
  7. You never need to apologise for not touching the sides son.
  8. Nahre Sol followed very closely by Samurai guitarist, that surf guitar was killer.
  9. Any strap with a BC strap lock attached, obv.
  10. Unexpected swelling in the bagging area.
  11. I use mainly acoustic basses and initially through a Fishman Platinum Pro, such a fine sound. I needed only the tiniest tweaks on the Fishman to get a bang on sound for me. I stopped using the Fishman only because I began using a HX Stomp which gives me a multitude of options when I’m mucking about but for serious use it just gives me more eq + modelling options. If I’m playing at a venue with a PA I go bass > Stomp > QSC using the QSC as a monitor taking a line out the back of the QSC to the desk. Where there is no PA I go bass > Stomp and take a line out of the Stomp to the desk and use the QSC as backline. Never going back to a trad setup but I play in an acoustic duo so I’m lucky that the Stomp/QSC covers all my needs.* * Yes, I am aware I have written a variation on this comment on several posts but it’s been such a game changer for me I’m going to keep banging on about it, sorry in advance.
  12. Mine have arrived but I’ve just realised I no longer have any straps! I shall find an alt use in the morning.
  13. Not sure my QSC K12.2 qualifies as cheap nor lightweight, or which of the other criteria it hits or misses but for me it’s been the amp/cab nonsense slayer, it’s bleedin’ awesome.
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