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Frank Blank

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Everything posted by Frank Blank

  1. Definitely Mick Karn, read about him doing the gig in his autobiography. Also if you look here... Nelson Mandela 70th Birthday Tribute (1988 TV Special) ...Mick Karn is in the cast & crew credits.
  2. Despite Sleaford Mods having sung her praises for months now this is the first time I’ve heard her, love it!
  3. I should get out more as well then, I find tracks I like few and far between on the aforementioned show, my tastes obviously.
  4. A very important point. The only time my fingers ever got dirty from strings they were a) counterfeit strings and b) the residue was toxic.
  5. In a very similar vein to @ped’s initial offering, the Kilq AirCell straps are excellent.
  6. It would stop me buying it.
  7. I’d probably lose my deposit* knowing my shoddy equipment. *...all over Zoom.
  8. ...and only two less than a harp.
  9. I very much doubt my five fingered virtuosity would be worth 25p.
  10. I might sign up and just knock one out online, surely I'd get a second or two in before I got the plug pulled on me?
  11. I had the same response instantly to both these composers when I first heard their work.
  12. Exactly this for me too. I spent much of my teens listening exclusively to three or for bands and dissing any other music and anyone who didn't share my tastes! Now, realising what a bleedin' idiot I'd been, I listen to anything or everything with what I hope is a reasonably open mind. I am still occasionally smitten, as in I know within a few bars that I'm going to really dig something but if something doesn't hit me like that I will still give it a few whirls and see if it grows on me. The opposite for me, some bands I have to finally admit I do like them!
  13. Well, exactly, but they smashed it that night, not my thing at all.
  14. No, but even with 10cc and Steel Pulse as contenders, Darts were still the best gig in the park. Did you live in Harlow then?
  15. Yes, MB2s are 34”. From the RA site... Mb-2: This is a full 34” scale semi-hollow bass. Warm woody tone with a strong fundamental due to the hollow wings and solid center block. This is the most versatile of the basses due to the punch of the long scale. This design can produce good staccato tone if plucked back towards the bridge, or pillowy warm tones if plucked over the neck/body joint. Punchy enough to play rock or blues with, warm and open enough for jazz.
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