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Frank Blank

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Everything posted by Frank Blank

  1. Who could forget this series when part of the intro was a Class 47 locomotive emerging from Box Hill Tunnel?
  2. The very video that convinced me to buy two RAs.
  3. Welcome @Pappabass. Sixteen drachma equals three groat per dollar/yen apart from in Bratislava where the Singapore Dollar reaches parity with the Euro.
  4. I don’t suppose mine are particularly representative of typical short scales but at least you’d get a feel for a 30” neck, drop me a PM if you want to try one, I’m sure we can work something out.
  5. You, Sir, are a frickin' maniac, in the best possible sense.
  6. I think precisely for the reason you give in your first sentence.
  7. Saw so many great bands in Harlow Town Park at the free gigs.
  8. I spent decades wondering why my bass playing improved so slowly until I picked up my first short scale and realised I should have been playing them all along. I think people are coming round to the fact that full scale basses have precisely no advantages over smaller, lighter, easier to play short scales. Definitely try one, if we weren’t mid-global health crisis you could probably walk to my house and try mine out!
  9. Apparently I once saw Hawkwind performing on the back of a lorry at a Stonehenge festival. I had no idea it was Hawkwind, I had no idea I was at Stonehenge. I had most of my belongings stolen by three gentleman from the Windsor Chapter, including my DMs, I had no idea this had happened.
  10. I think a lot of us are.
  11. A friend of mine committed suicide with that written on her arm, going out in style...
  12. Clearly I am just shallow, I apologise.
  13. Sir, just for you, I shall leave my dong dung.
  14. If you only you knew what pastel pink curly wigs do to my dong...
  15. I find that if I play a mistake and don’t stop and go back to correct it I am prone to making that mistake again. I think it isn’t just muscle memory there is all something psychological going on too, this happens when I’m playing my own basslines too!
  16. Don’t have a harshed buzz! Some people like stuff others don’t, I didn’t watch the video because I’m pretty sure it wouldn’t ding my dong, but my dong (like everyone else’s) has its own tastes. What I really do appreciate and is a really great aspect of this site is checking out stuff other people have found and I’ve listened to loads of stuff I wouldn’t have usually thanks to BC. So keep posting and don’t worry, some folk will dig it, others not, life innit.
  17. Much as I agree with @ped in principle, I would be concerned, especially as it is your first bass and as you improve and begin to suffer from the inevitable GAS you’ll maybe want to sell this bass and get something else, that the knot in the fingerboard may put off prospective buyers. So many of us, despite going into endless detail about all manner of technical details, are hugely swayed by the aesthetics of particular instruments. I wouldn’t buy your bass, even if it were a model I was after, because of how the fingerboard looks, I’d wait for one without the knot, for no other reason that I’d be concerned about resale. Forgive me for playing Devil’s advocate but I think it is a consideration worth bearing in mind.
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