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Everything posted by kets

  1. Cheers Bilbo, Another top download, Awesome! The liner notes from the remastered edition seem to make reference to Rainey's playing on this album with no mention of Walter Becker doing any bass duties. I don't think it sounds like a Becker bass line. To be fair though he isn't bad on bass, and not too shabby on guitar either. Thanks. More please!
  2. Gotta agree with the other guys, Roscoe's playing on the blu line album is great, and Mystic Mile is well worth a listen, plus Robben Fords guitar playing is incredible. Haven't seen him on youtube, is it the bluesy stuff where he does the tapping stuff you were watching. Quite effective.
  3. I owned one of these for years and it was awesome. Solidly built, great sound and very durable. It was better sounding than the Ashdown that replaced it. I only sold as it was a back breaker. Well worth a look.
  4. [quote name='LukeFRC' post='594414' date='Sep 10 2009, 12:14 AM']Last week I found a guy selling a natural Warwick Streamer bass on gumtree. I thought it strange he had it as a 'warwick streamer' rather than 'warwick streamer stage one' or 'warwick streamer LX' or whatever. Sure enough, lovely Warwick streamer stage one, good (played) condition, made September 1991. mmm oh and £400... ill stick photos up soon[/quote] Yeh, I phoned about that one too, but you'd already arranged to see the guy. Never mind, well done mate, it looked a cracker! Kets
  5. Cheers Bilbo! I love this album and this song! When I first started playing bass my dad let me hear this album and said "This is what proper bass playing sounds like". Been hooked on Fagen and Steely Dan ever since. Thanks for the download! Kets
  6. I agree, Simon Merrick's site is awesome, with super transcriptions. Bassmasta isn't too shabby either, certainly a good starting point. Also, Bass player magaizine did a transcription of Virtual insanity and I think maybe bass guitar magazine did Emergency on planet earth and someone else did Alright. Got copies somewhere I think. Good luck
  7. [quote name='ironside1966' date='Aug 30 2009, 07:07 PM' post='585315'] Bass Lines that everyone plays different Here are a couple that I have noticed Hit me with Your rhythm stick- Ian Dury Good times – Chic Come on come over - Jaco most people go for something like the version in bass lines by Joe Hubbard but I am sure that is way out. The run in Black velvet - Alanis Miles Sure there are loads more The Basslines books are great, however i've come across quite a few errors in them, so don't take anything for granted. Always pays to use yer ears...!
  8. That was an amazing clip, didn't realise they were still together! Ah, takes me back to my youth listening to that and I still love those attitude basses, not the twin neck though, not my cup of tea. Billy's boots are cool though, look a bit like brothel creepers. Anyone heard Billy's playing with Niacin Awesome stuff and what a tone!
  9. I've got an Ashdown Mag C115 200 and a 210T extension cabinet which I've owned for about 11 years. Never had any problems with it and it's been gigged. I agree it's not as good build quality wise as Trace stuff or Peavey, but it's been okay. Seems to suit my sound, although it's not quite as good sounding as the Trace it replaced.
  10. [quote name='dave_bass5' post='578149' date='Aug 23 2009, 12:27 PM']Damn, i guess me and the other Fender players all round the world got the worng make ;-) I wish we had asked the twat in the guitar shop first ;-) Thats another thing thats overated, people who think they speak for the whole world when its obvious they are talking out of thier bums.[/quote] Don't know if I've taken ur post the wrong way, but no offence is intended mate. Like I said, I've got two Fenders myself and my old man's got a '67 Fender Jazz which I think is the best bass I've ever played! I also bought a Fender MIM telecaster about 5 years ago from Sound Control, paid about £300 for it. Sitting next to it was a Fender MIA Telecaster, price £750. Is the American one better, probably. £450 quid better, don't think so. Just feels like Fender take this pi$$ sometimes. My opinion.
  11. Bassist magazine did an interesting article years ago about doing a DIY de-fret on a bass. One of the ways they discussed doing it was by wrapping masking tape round the neck/fretboard, adjacent to the fret and then filing the fret down until it was level with the board, obviously taking care not to sand the board. Then use filler to fille the slot around the fret tang. Might be an easier option if it's a cheapish bass with a cheaper quality rosewood board which might chip.
  12. Bernard and Nile also played on, and produced Koo Koo by Debbie Harry way back in the mists of time ('81 I think). Sounded a bit like Chic, but with Debbie Harry singing. Not bad actually. Will need to check out this interview. Nile is awesome, as was Bernard.
  13. Lots of interesting points being made here. It's healthy that everyone has different tastes in everything, not just basses. I have to agree with folk on the Fender argument though. I was in a well known Edinburgh guitar shop recently and heard a young guy say to his mate a bit too loudly, "ignore Fender basses they're sh*te". Initially I was a bit miffed, however I can see his point. The prices have gone up and up to the point where they can't really justify it. The competition are ahead of them. I'm not even biased 'cos i own two fenders and love them. As for hates: fretless basses with maple fretboards. Why....?
  14. kets

    My Basses

    Stunning collection mate. Nice one!
  15. [quote name='steve' post='577243' date='Aug 22 2009, 12:13 AM']I'm a floater too, switched from anchor about 12 months ago, as mentioned above, it's really helpful with muting[/quote] Tried "floating" after reading this topic last night, and it's made a big difference to my five string playing already. I'm not getting the B string sounding out like before. Cheers Guys!
  16. Other please state: My '77 Pre Ernie ball Musicman Sabre in cream (Probably white originaly) with Rosewood board and black scratchplate. Sounds awesome, weighs a ton and still gets admiring looks whenever it's taken out. Better still it only cost me £300 (16 years ago). Still a huge Fender fan though-Love my '62 japanese re-issue jazz.
  17. 1. Yes , of course! 2. I have to agree with the guy's who are suggesting more mid-higher end type stuf, Lakland, Sadowsky etc. There are already enough music shops with floors crammed full of no name basses, hell even Argos sells that kinda stuff! Spare parts is a really good idea and a decent stock of quality books is a must. I would also welcome a good stock of second hand stuff as well. 3. Use the shop, even though I'm in Edinburgh. 4. Depends really, spent about £500 last year. Next year could be less, impending marriage forces savings! 5. Very possibly. It's far easier to spend the money if you have something in your mitts that you really want in my experience. How about clinics to get people through the door? If the bass centre can do it, so can you! Best of luck with the venture, hope it works out.
  18. I too have spent my 18 years of playing bass using the anchor technique of resting on a pickup or on an adjacent string, probably because it was easiest and because it's what I saw everyone else do! As others have pointed out though, this doesn't translate well onto a 5 string though as I found out when I bought one. Had real problems with the b string sounding out. Bugger...
  19. [quote name='JBassist' post='576181' date='Aug 20 2009, 10:49 PM']maybe a few years away but hey im thinking getting a fretless when im old enough to gig lol and just wondering that would fretless be suitable for what i play ie: tapping and slapping(ill get slap plate), fingerstyle, also simple punk lines cos i know fretless is usually used for like smooth jazzy type stuff, but would it work for rhcp,ledzepie sorta stuff its random i know megalolz[/quote] Depends on the type of music I suppose. The only problem is that for most people, playing fretless demands more concentration and is therefore not as widely used by rockers etc. On the other hand though i'm sure Jeff Ament played some fretless bass with Pearl Jam in the early 90's and Les Claypool of Primus appears to do a pretty respectable job of slapping and tapping his six string fretless! Try before you buy though, fretless bass ain't for everyone! Happy playing, Kets
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