Back then i too was only gigging with a vocal PA, so had to supply the full bass experience from the rig at the back of the stage.
I was mainly using Markbass heads, SA450, LMII, F1, but also dabbled with a GK 1001RBII, Ashdown ABM300 and Streamliner 600. I also had other cabs but always went back to the 1212L or 1012R.
I still have the F1 and still use it, but it just didn't/doesn't seem to gel as well with other cabs for me.
Also flitted between P and Jazz mostly, although i also owned other basses.
I loved the tone out front, very full, and although not sparkly, still quite clear. On stage I always felt i was too loud, but the band loved that they could hear me (drummer used to say its lucky as I’m the only one that knows a the songs:-)
my current cab is a RS212. Lovey tone close up but ive yet to gig it. I doubt it will be room filling like the 1212L though.
Bugger, getting 1212L GAS now lol.