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kusee pee

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Everything posted by kusee pee

  1. Very good use of your time. I need to do the same! I never understood modes until my Mum recently showed me on the piano. When you have the keys in front of you it makes total sense!
  2. I've played there many a time. Seeing a band like Skunk Anansie in that setting must have been awesome 👍
  3. Perfect, thank you. Looks like my present to myself needs to get bought 🙂
  4. Sweet 👍. That's what I hoped.
  5. After wanting to do some home recording for a while, I plumped for cubase AI as part of a recording bundle to get me started relatively cheaply. I'm very happy with what it does and now want to upgrade to get some better features, particularly the vocal pitch tools and more sounds. I'm thinking of getting Cubase Pro as it comes as a deal as an upgrade if I already have AI. My question is, if I just install it, will all my existing tracks just be usable in Pro and I can then edit them straight away or is it likely to be a more complicated transition? Sorry for the novice question, it's been a rapid learning process so far!
  6. What a band and a very influential guitarist. Great bass on many songs too. A real shame.
  7. Babymetal supporting Chili Peppers at London O2 about three years ago. Blew them away for energy and musicianship.
  8. I admit to not watching the whole 3 hours but that was cool 🤣. Who the hell is that?
  9. Slade and Wizzard. Love trying to remember Wizzard after 12 months. We have an agreement we're not allowed to practice it first. It's a complicated little bugger!
  10. And I was surprised and delighted when he sold me his Vigier. I'd also been keen to hear more of his recorded work if it is out there.
  11. Hey man, really sorry to hear you saying that. I'm glad you've got the creative outlet but I hope you can find other things to keep you positive.
  12. Actually, it was really good. We had the PA up outside the tunnel entrance and the tunnel had lots of openings out to the side so there wasn't too much bouncing. We could also put the drums quite far back so our onstage sound was nice. We put everything through the PA so it was controlled. I recommend gigging there if you ever get the chance
  13. A lovely wedding gig at Banwell Castle. Beautiful venue, lovely to play outside (well, in a tunnel!) too.
  14. I always take two cos it looks cool. Is there another reason?
  15. Note to self: must read post 🤪
  16. Agreeing a band calendar is always a tricky thing and, occasionally, stuff comes up. Over the last ten years, I think we might have had to cancel one gig. We have a number of deps we use and, on occasion, have spent hours on the phone getting a last minute dep due to a crisis. Find a dep drummer and try to keep the gigs, the reputation is important.
  17. Long shot but do you still have this?
  18. How about learning all your old songs in new positions on the 5? Aim to play nothing below the fifth fret on strings E to G. That should open new musical possibilities for you and give a taste of what a 5 can bring to your playing. Since moving to a 5, I have become a much better musician by having this approach. And I have short arms so it helps me having more notes within easy reach. Don't give up, 5s are very cool instruments 😎
  19. The only problem is you sold 4.
  20. I'd suggest practising anything you play on a four but five frets up. The best thing about a fiver is not having to go down low even though you have those low notes waiting for you!
  21. Seemingly, 9 at the moment. That's probably 4 more than I really want but selling's a hard thing to do. Maybe next year 😁
  22. The best slap video I ever came across. Have loved it for years. Well recommended.
  23. After nearly 30 years of a big variety of bass ownership, I've recently bought two SR5s and tackled the truss rod for the first time. The little wheel makes it super easy and both moved no problem and did what they should. The wheel is very easy to use so maybe I got lucky. It did feel cool seeing the relief change 😎 Edit: and I did it under tension.
  24. Yeah, Hugh's guitar work on that album is superb and BB is a great example. Great band, the first five albums were so creative.
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