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Everything posted by SingleMalt

  1. I have two of the Hercules ones as well, they are very good. I feel like I could swing from them, as long as your wall is good and sturdy you should be fine.
  2. My Fender standard Precision measures 70cm exactly from the edge of the nut on the fingerboard side to the edge of EA side closest to the neck. And because why not, it's 73cm on my Charvel 1B although it does have the positions flipped so the DG side is closest to the neck.
  3. My left hand position is generally pretty decent, with the thumb being the only part in contact (it's mainly me being fussy). Although I do occasionally golf club it if I'm playing very simple stuff like Ramones covers.
  4. [quote name='Weststarx' timestamp='1421771282' post='2664805'] Our guitarists use them but the prices they paid for them are ridiculous for what they are!! All you need is a few bits of wood, screws and glue and you can make your own pedalboard to your own spec for 10000x less. [/quote] I'm with you on this. I built my own with wood, screws and some black spray paint I found in the shed, cost me about £15 and is the the size of a classic but it fits my kit perfectly.
  5. [quote name='Grangur' timestamp='1421763518' post='2664654'] Jeweler's Rouge ; worth a try. What's the worst that can happen? [/quote] I do actually have some but I think it might be a bit too fine. It's bloody messy as well. Gets every where. I have sandpaper up to 6000 grit so I might just have a go with that.
  6. I was going to suggest requesting that they check the bass next time before shipping, but I totally understand being put off. I'll probably never buy another ESP (or LTD for that matter) because of a similar experience. Still might be worth trying one though, may change your mind.
  7. Third time lucky maybe? That's pretty poor to be honest, do they ship from Germany?
  8. Mine weighs 3.7 KG according to the bathroom scales. It is slightly neck heavy but not enough to cause any problems or discomfort.
  9. OP couldn't have hoped for a better result than that.... I'd love to hear some samples
  10. Yeah I hear you dood. It's definitely me being a fussy bugger. All of my guitars apart from this one have unfinished or satin necks so I'm not used to gloss. I feel sticking on the side of my thumb. It's not a matter of speed, like you hear tonnes of guitars who say unfinished necks are faster. I just don't like the feel of a gloss neck when I'm sweating on it. I always wash my hands before I play but it doesn't really help.
  11. Evening all. So I'm getting on really well with my Precision bass apart from one thing.... The neck is coated in the thickest gloss, and when I've been playing for a few hours and am sweating it becomes verrrrry sticky and unpleasant. In the past I had a super cheap SG copy that had the same problem so I sanded the finish off entirely and gave it a few coats of (Danish?) oil. That was fine for a few months but became rather discoloured and it eventually warped so I'd like to avoid going to bare wood. What do you think about going at it with some fine steel wool or something like a scotch-brite pad with the aim of getting something that feels like a satin finish and doesn't look terrible?
  12. It seems unlikely to be a fault to me since both amps I've had did the exact same thing. It's not really a problem when the game is at 8 o'clock or less and volume is under 12 but where is the fun in that!
  13. [quote name='omikin' timestamp='1421495161' post='2661934'] I have had similar issues with mine. I did log it via Ashdown's website but had no reply so I will email Guy. Love the tone of this thing! [/quote] Well you may be waiting a while, I haven't heard anything back yet. I might just try swapping the valves.
  14. [quote name='Drax' timestamp='1421309404' post='2659563'] (loving the Laphroaig BTW) [/quote]
  15. What are the odds of getting a shot of the interior?
  16. [quote name='Pow_22' timestamp='1421324939' post='2659820'] The CTM 15 isnt all valve tho, its a solid state front end pushing a valve power section. [/quote] I assume the ecc83 is just a phase inverter then? A little naught of Ashdown considering that they are marketed on gear shops as being all valve. This is something Ashdown need to address, their retailers should be not listing it as all valve if it's not. It was one of the reasons why I brought it (an inexpensive way to play around with valve amps), although it's not the end of the world as I do like the sound and can't tell it's not all valve from the sound. Even the manual states the preamp is an ecc83 and yet if you look at internal pictures online you can see opamps in there.
  17. [quote name='mazdah' timestamp='1421308543' post='2659546'] I've never heard an amp that didn't hiss an hum like crazy with gain and master all the way up. Even the super high-tech ones do! [/quote] Of course I expect some hum, but not this amount. Right now I've got the amp on in the next room with volume set to 3 o clock and gain at 10 o clock. I can hear the hissing through the wall (and I live in an old house with thick walls). I tried recording it with my phone but sadly you can't hear any difference between a tiny bit of hiss and loads. Rubbish phone microphones!
  18. Will do, thanks! Edit: Email sent.
  19. Hey folks. So I've had two different Ashdown CTM-15 heads now (the first had a faulty VU meter and had to be replaced) in the form of the DH-115-C110 drophead combo units (nice bit of kit by the way). Both have [b]stupid [/b]amounts of hum when the volume or gain are turned up. This is true with no bass plugged in at all and with a bass hooked up. The hum does get worse with a bass though (It's a very well shielded Precision, never had any issues with hum with it before). With the gain below 9 o'clock and the volume bellow 12 its not too bad, just a little hum. Raising just the volume to max gives a boat load of hiss and hum, raising the gain as well produces an insane amount. She still has the stock Chinese valves although I'm planning on swapping them for some NoS Sovtek EL84s and a GT ECC83/5751 soon. I did find another thread on here a week or so ago where someone mentioned hum with their CTM-15 but I cannot find it again for the life of me. Any suggestions as to what could be causing this? Do you think I need to raise this issue with Ashdown? Like I said both units I've had have the same problem. Cheers!
  20. SingleMalt


    [quote name='omikin' timestamp='1421255574' post='2659037'] Best ad ever. GLWTS. [/quote] Honesty is supposedly the best policy.
  21. [quote name='Passinwind' timestamp='1415921994' post='2605385'] Bound to be in here: [url="http://wiki.talkbass.com/index.php?title=Category:Ampeg_Portaflex_wiki"]http://wiki.talkbass..._Portaflex_wiki[/url] [/quote] What an amazing resource! Thanks for posting this.
  22. The blond one looks very nice, and at a reasonable price. I have to say I really dislike the headstock shape though. [quote name='Moos3h' timestamp='1420747112' post='2653035'] but that has to be one of the most poorly crafted sites I've stumbled across. Put some effort in guys, some of us do pay attention, you know! [/quote] Exactly. The pages are just huge images (trying so hard to look like something Apple made) that don't even scale to fit on different sized screens. I'd love to meet the web developer that thinks an 8MB webpage is a good idea, the header image alone is over 1MB. Not to mention how horrible text images are for SEO.
  23. Nobody is going to touch this without pictures.
  24. [quote name='PJS' timestamp='1420324295' post='2648178'] I love these kinds of threads, as I'm entering my 32nd year of Rush being my favorite band, and by a wide margin. If not for Rush and Geddy it's doubtful that I would have ever touched a bass. And those guys still bring it. [/quote] I wonder how many people were inspired to get into Bass by Geddy. I know I certainly was.
  25. Seriously though if that was a maple board I'd be looking for somewhere to sell my organs. What a beauty. Why must I have bills?
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