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Everything posted by Matt_UK

  1. Sorry Mods!
  2. Ooh thats pretty...
  3. [quote name='karlfer' timestamp='1323987566' post='1469660'] It is a bit dust gathering at the moment, I only use the Attitude Special and P Special Deluxe for gigging, due to being in one of them "classic rock covers bands" but I think I would find it really hard to part with it. Still, that's tonight [/quote] These basses can become quite a part of the family, cant they! Just out of interest, what colour is it? Got any pics? .
  4. [quote name='karlfer' timestamp='1323924343' post='1468727'] Don't usually look at Warwicks, got here by roundabout route,but, THAT IS GORGEOUS!!!!! [/quote] Lol, cheers Karlfer - don't suppose you're bored of your Lakland DJ and fancy a change?
  5. Some stunning basses on here at the moment! Are you interested in trades at all?
  6. Wow. That is pretty...does it come with a hard case?
  7. Blimey. That is soooo sparkly. You'd have to wear sunnies to play it...
  8. That's pretty...interested in trades?
  9. [quote name='Shonks' timestamp='1323190818' post='1460391'] i know! [/quote] The market sucks at the moment - grr!
  10. 'hit me with your rhythm stick' is tricky...so is 'the lemon song' by led zep! Well they've helped me improve anyway!
  11. Can't believe this is still here! Want.
  12. That's a mighty fine Stirling you have there - don't suppose you're interested in trades? Worth an ask
  13. Some interesting offers, but still available!
  14. [quote name='wal4string' timestamp='1322697016' post='1454770'] I am not really sure if it is a good time to sell or I am asking far less than folks would expect. [/quote] Ahh mate, feel for you! Keep the price as it is, its easily worth what you're asking - definitely the market. I'm sure there are many that would buy if only they could sell theirs - I know I'd be in there like a shot!
  15. Amazing bass, loving that finish! (have sent a cheeky PM too!)
  16. [quote name='Jesso' timestamp='1322660594' post='1454060'] Weight sounds good. Gunna send you a PM now. [/quote] PM replied to
  17. [quote name='Jesso' timestamp='1322605306' post='1453558'] Any word on the weight? [/quote] Heya Jesso sorry for the delay! Its around 3.5 - 4kg? Probably about average for an SSI. Hope this helps?
  18. Blimey - this is the kind of bass that could convince me to move to 5'ers. Stunning. Don't think you'd want my Warwick SSI in trade though!
  19. If I had the cash I'd be all over this! Just need someone to buy my Streamer!
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