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Everything posted by darbs

  1. hit and hope-thats my motto-works in pool...bass..women...its all good! ! !
  2. jus finished talkin with warwick! really helpfull! they are sendin the bolt for free. they said "we give all our dealers the warwick pack" so its basicaly nout to do with them. o well i'l just be happy when i can get my pick-up lowered lol all i need now is to get it set-up and to buy sum beeswax :D:D
  3. just sent the email now we'l see what happens. the shop said i should have got a warwick soft case with it too but they'd lost that. they gave me a replacement bag but i wonder if the wax and stuff was in there? robbin bastards!
  4. [quote name='jerseytrev' post='264957' date='Aug 18 2008, 09:37 PM']i think it is a oiled and waxed finish by the look, mines in antique tobacco did you get the handbook and folder with tools and wax plus spare set of strings. nice bass[/quote] no all i got was summert to adjust the tension rod.......its not second hand tho so i think i was ripped off lol but with the money i saved i think i could just buy all that btw very nice bass :D bassmankev: the shop hadnt set it up or even botherd to screw the pick-ups down abit. i played an outside gig and the bastard fell down the stage lol i'ltry emailin warwick now:D cheers! !
  5. gutted i lost a nut out of the pick up gaurd so one of my pick-ups its lob-sided! ! ! ! anyone no where i cant get a new un or summert that will keep the bugger down? ?
  6. well iv got carlsbro bass bomber (150 watt) and a park (old ass 70 watt) for sale you can have the pair for £140 i used to gig the carlsbro and my bro's gigged the park lol both held their own and they are awesome practice amps
  7. any one played with on yet i'm really interested in these heads purely because its cheap and light and i can leave it in me bass bag:D:D:D:D
  8. [quote name='peted' post='238621' date='Jul 13 2008, 05:04 PM']That is a very tasty bass indeed. Is it a colour oil finish? Looks like it has a tint, a very nice one at that. Congratulations.[/quote] no i dont think its an oil finish....it was really funny when buyin it cause all the staff members would not stop watching me (it waseither my slick bass skills or they probs thought i was gunna steal it lol)
  9. darbs


    very nice piece of kit how much for both dunno if i could travel to derby but if the price is rite then who knows :D:D:D
  10. [quote name='CHRISDABASS' post='237969' date='Jul 12 2008, 02:53 PM']its a shame you didnt want the 5 string version!! jake is sellin one [url="http://basschat.co.uk/index.php?showtopic=22043"]http://basschat.co.uk/index.php?showtopic=22043[/url] how cheap!!???? [/quote] i did but you get what you find really plus with the band i'm in i dont really need a 5 string wouldnt mind it tho.....what yould be nice would be a 5 string with the high C instead if the low B
  11. this is one tastey piece of ass! ! ! ! ! been after one of these for about 5 month and i found one for £650 because it has a little chip at the back should have been £900! ! ! any one know any good (cheap) amps to go with it? ? ?
  12. hanson you tit why you gettin rid of the streamer? ? ? is it cause my double buck will eat it alive? ? ? ? i'd seriously save up for a 5 string and keep your streamer! ! ! !
  13. cleaned the pots used wd40 they wer dirty as folk....have to see if its helped after tonights gig bass seemed ok at practive tho but we'l see when i crank it up tonight:D:D:D:D:D
  14. yeah its passive the only thing i can think of is if the pick ups have given up......
  15. i'v been playin my tanglwood warrior 3 (i no. . .piece of sh*t) for about 5 years and its been playin great but recently it has gone distorted:S:S:S iv cleaned the pots and hecked the electronics and they seem to be alrite tryed a different bass through the amp i'm using and the amps fine any ideas? ? ? ? also hen i turn the volume up full on both pick ups i can get even more volume and power if i turn the down slightly any ideas? help will be much appriciated!
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