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Everything posted by Balcro

  1. The library of avatar-to-faces has expanded and I've had a grand day out. Thanks to theGreek & co for the organising and fixing the two seminars. Just 2 pictures to show. Unfortunately I can't put full captions to them. In pic 1, Bluejay is holding a camera, Happy Jack is guesting on another Basschatter's rig, Clarky is holding an ultra compact ATS speaker cabinet. Apologies for not knowing the guy playing Happy Jack's Status. Pic 2, turn 120 degrees to the right. Hapy Jack's rig getting another workout.
  2. [quote name='sticker' timestamp='1369849658' post='2093510'] You meant Saturday ....right? Or have I got the day wrong ? [/quote] At the time I didn't. Did a double take on Monday. Panic. Had to buy Mrs B a multi-pack of Cadbury's Flake and a packet of Jelly Babies. Saturday shopping rearranged. Balcro.
  3. [quote name='TheGreek' timestamp='1369597536' post='2090751'] I'd like to cover the cost of the venue (£150), flyers (£60), for Lozz196's catering costs and put some money in the Youth Club's coffers. We could do with a few more raffle prizes so if anybody has things lying at the back of the drawer which they'd like to donate...would be gratefully received... We are still waiting for definite confirmation for the two seminars and drummers...I also sent out an invitation to some fella called Steve Harris today who lives fairly locally, be nice if he showed.. Do you think I have good reason to feel anxious??? [/quote] I don't think so. You'll probably end up with well in excess of 20. Most if not all of us expect a flexible payout. That's how it's worked in the past. We pay our fair share. See you on Sunday. Balcro.
  4. [quote name='bluejay' timestamp='1369598008' post='2090756'] If all that happens, it's going to be absolutely awesome! I've been tweeting the bash throughout the last couple of months. We could do with a shout out on Facebook too - I'll see to it tomorrow (not now - better choose a time when people may be online, while at the moment most will be either in the garden with the BBQ or watching the telly or out and about.) Thank you again, guys, for your hard work organising this. [/quote] I hope you've just been speaking to the bass glitterrati; we don't want to be flash-mobbed (he says optimistically). Balcro.
  5. +1 to this. Check the information "About Equalisation". http://www.samsontech.com/site_media/support/manuals/LHseries_OM_EN_v2.pdf Balcro.
  6. Hi TC, My apologies, I should have gone to Specsavers! getting my Alphas & Beta's mixed up. There is no Beta 12A-2. Anyway, to get going, start up win ISD. click on the Help menu at the top and select "Getting Started". Have a look at the "Getting Started" chapter. Next, move on to the chapter "Entering new driver data". This suggests a specific order in which to enter data. Remember to go back to this section if you have any notified errors/pop-ups. Click on "New project". If an error message pops up about "floating point" click OK and carry on. When the New project - select driver for project dialogue box appears, a name will appear in the centre but I'm sure the Beta 12A isn't on the list, so click the "NEW" button at the side. On the General Tab enter the name of your loudspeaker. Then click on the paramenters tab. From the Thiele/Small parameters listed in the .pdf file enter the data - Qes, Qms, Vas and Mms. next is CMS, but be careful of Cms; manufacturers express this in different units. The default in winISD is micrometre/Newtons, but Eminence express their unit in mm/Newtons. For 0.29 enter 290. At this point, wait while the software does calculations in the background. As you enter the value for Cms, a calculated figure will appear in the "Fs" box at top right. At this point you can test the entered figures are consistent by clicking SAVE. If a file listing box shows up, you're OK - this time cancel. Go back to the parameter entry window and enter BL and Le. Test again. Cancel and return to the parameter window. If all is well at this stage enter the values for Xmax, Pe (rated Power- 250 watts) and Znom (8 ohms). At this point Save for real and give your file a name. That's entered the driver's details into the winISD database. More tomorrow if you want help with the new project. Balcro.
  7. Hello TC, First of all, have you got an Eminence Beta 12A or an Eminence 12A-2? If it's the former, I suggest you send an e-mail to Eminence and ask for the T/S parameters for that specific speaker. Try [email protected] The 12A-2 is on the eminence web-site under "Pro-Audio" - American Standard Series. I found two sites with supposed parameters for the older 12A, but when tested, one or more parameters were doubtful, so go to the horses mouth. Then we can help you further. Nominally 250 watts power handling but looking a bit weak in the lower bass. Balcro
  8. These links below show you the tools for the job. http://www.parts-express.com/cat/subwoofers/14 http://www.eminence.com/pdf/LAB_12_cab.pdf If you read the notes at the bottom of the .pdf, it doesn't look like this type of speaker is for the faint-hearted. Despite their specialist design they can still be over-driven. Balcro.
  9. [quote name='Happy Jack' timestamp='1368523232' post='2077901'] [attachment=134769:1921 Amplifiers.jpg] [/quote]
  10. If you want to keep them I agree with Mr. Foxen. Two 2x12's. Give Celestion a call or e-mail and ask if they've any tech data. According to the subaudio web-site they were available in 8 or 16 Ohms. However the "Marshall" edition may be subtly different. Fundamental resonance was very high at 72Hz, so loads of low-mids but short on very low bass. Just sticking them in a box and drilling a few holes means they're less than optimised now. Without more tech data, anything newly built will be the same. Balcro
  11. Try stringsdirect.co.uk I got my "Brite Flats" from there. Go via the "Contact us" link and send them an e-mail. I did this and they obtained the strings within 3-4 days. Balcro
  12. I take it that your version of those 2 speakers is not necessarily the current one. According to "guitarcenter" the 410 is a sealed cabinet and the B15 is ported. If you're also using them with the horns switched on, you'll have perhaps a little more top end than you seem to prefer. There will almost certainly be an imbalance between the volume from a 4x10 and a single 15. You could try putting the 15 on top of the 410. Balcro
  13. I don't have any complaints, even though I had my wrist slapped last week! Mmm? Feedback. The PM notifier symbol. Can you change the colour to something like a cyan, and/or maybe flash on and off. I've left a few message responses longer than necessary, because it's all orange in that top corner. Ta. Balcro.
  14. [quote] After taking my Yakult every morning I have the maximum anti-GAS immunity so I'll only bring the one Bass, the Cort GB74(natural). It's a J/M switchable bass. Noise from my fingers, an Ashdown 5-15 and errr maybe a pedal. Whoop, sorry about the quote marks. [/quote] Balcro. [quote] [color=#282828][b]Who's bringing what list[/b] [font=helvetica, arial, sans-serif]EBS HD350+ EBS cab -The Greek[/font] [font=helvetica, arial, sans-serif]Roscoe Century 3005/ Overwater J4 - The Greek[/font] [font=helvetica, arial, sans-serif]Markbass Mini CMD121P & NY121 cab - Lozz196[/font] [font=helvetica, arial, sans-serif]Some form of Precision - Lozz196 (very predictable there)[/font] [font=helvetica, arial, sans-serif]Ebay double neck kit finished - irvined[/font] [font=helvetica, arial, sans-serif]Alpher Custom Bass - StephenYork[/font] [font=helvetica, arial, sans-serif]70s Fenders, Status S2s - Fat Rich[/font] [font=helvetica, arial, sans-serif]Ibanez GSR-180 (modded), Line 6 combo, pedals and myself[/font][font=helvetica, arial, sans-serif] - Bottle[/font] [font=helvetica, arial, sans-serif]Heavily modified Fleabass (if ready by then!) - Aende[/font] [font=helvetica, arial, sans-serif]Warwick Fortress Masterman - Aende[/font] [font=helvetica, arial, sans-serif]500W Ashdown + 2 x 210 Eminence loaded cabs - Aende[/font] [font=helvetica, arial, sans-serif]3 Year old daughter and possibly a Border Collie - Aende[/font] [font=helvetica, arial, sans-serif]MIM Fender Presicion - seashell[/font][/color] [color=#282828]1983 USA Fender Jazz / Line 6 POD X3 LIVE if anyone's interested - xilddx[/color] 1980 Aria SB-1000F + Ibanez Promethean 5110 - Bloodaxe. A selection of tiny pedals and a bass or two from [url="http://basschat.co.uk/topic/200857-my-little-lot-iv/"][color=#0f72da]this lot[/color][/url] - bigbeatnut TC Electronics BG250 combo & Studio spares Grammapad copy (isolation board) - sticker Cort GB74 (Natural), Ashdown 5-15. - Balcro [/quote]
  15. [quote name='Mr. Foxen' timestamp='1364570167' post='2028330'] Its not a horn loaded cab mind, its a flared port. whole different set of requirements to a horn cab, like the Acoustic. [/quote] Yea, I realised it was complicated, hence the referral to Eminence. OP pm'd. Balcro.
  16. [quote name='fuzzonaut' timestamp='1364556685' post='2028087'] Hello guys, There is a Sunn 215b bass cab locally for sale – which is very tempting, of course. But the original speakers are broken. So, I would have to put new speakers in it – but which ones[b]????[/b] I’m completely useless if it comes to speakers. I’ve been on some forums and found some suggestions like: [i]New[/i]: Eminence Delta Pro, Eminence CB158, Eminence Beta 15A, … [i]Used[/i]: Altec 421, JBL D-140 BUT then again, it was mentioned on the forums that the speaker choice would also be determined by the rest of the equipment I use, so, this is the picture where the cab should fit in: I use a passive bass, splitting the signal into a “clean/bottom channel” and a “effects/dirt channel”. The clean/bottom channel goes through a Dynacord Eminent II (80 Watts, EL34) into an Acoustic 301 cab (1x18"). The effects/dirt channel goes through a MusicMan HD 130 (130 Watts, EL34) into an Ampeg Isovent cab (2x10” & 2x15”). The MusicMan could take another 4 Ohm cab – so that’s where I would put the Sunn 215b. And finally, the budget: Could I get by with, say, around £150 for the pair? THANKS A MILLION for any input, advice, model recommendation. Fuzzonaut [/quote] Presumably yours is that horn-loaded beast that's on youtube etc. Your first port of call could be Eminence themselves. Check the customer support and or user forum. Why not also contact them with and e-mail to - [email="[email protected]"][email protected][/email] He can give you good advice on which 15" 8ohm speaker is suitable for a horn-loaded cabinet of that size. Balcro.
  17. As has been said earlier, the main roads up to and in Stevenage are OK. The Red Lion is on the west side of the High St (Old Town). It's a small pub with low ceilings in the band area. Good luck. For the SG1 postcode area, the BBC web-site weather forecast says "light snow ending about mid-day". That's usually a pessimistic forecast. After all it's Hertfordshire. Balcro
  18. Hi brensabre, This is intriguing. From what I've seen elsewhere on this forum, particularly from Bill Fitzmaurice, there is an emphasis on "displacement" to achieve volume in the bass. I would have thought an xmax of 5mm would be a bit on the low side for a loudspeaker that is required to go down to 20Hz cleanly!! It would/should also probably have a low fundamental resonance (fs). I've just played about on winISD with a loudspeaker driver set in a 4 x 12 configuration. With an xmax of 8mm and a 100w input. It achieves -2.3dB @ 40Hz, -6dB @ 30Hz and -17dB @ 20Hz. Xmax is only exceeded at 19Hz. The only problem is that the enclosure has an initial recommended volume of 300 litres!! Fun and games on my part, I know, but the 5mm xmax in your spreadsheet looks to be part of the weakness along with the Fane's "fs" of 50Hz. More to discuss? Balcro
  19. I love the colour. All the best with that. Balcro
  20. Terrible news! Gone before his time. Balcro
  21. [quote name='Bill Fitzmaurice' timestamp='1361107414' post='1981088'] Even that is too much. The issue is that WinISD will calculate the parameters to a higher degree of accuracy than the spec sheets do, and when the results don't agree it results in error messages. The only specs you should enter are Qes, Qms, Vas, Fs, Re, Sd, Xmax, Le and Pe. [/quote] You've taken the sentence out of it's context in the paragraph. The context is to help the OP avoid those irritating error messages. By simply entering those 5 parameters you can get winISD to accept your initial data and it will produce a frequency response curve if little else. Please note that I also said recall your data and enter more at a later time. Two or 3 passes rather than 1, but accurate. [i]"The issue is that WinISD will calculate the parameters to a higher degree of accuracy than the spec sheets do, and when the results don't agree it results in error messages".[/i] [b]=[/b] "it's always best to let winISD do the calculations, but don't be surprised if the "Fs" or some other parameter differs from the manufacturers by (in this case 0.56 HZ)". Balcro
  22. [quote name='6v6' timestamp='1361098337' post='1980918'] Thanks, I've checked and double checked and I do think I have all the units right - problem is WinISD doesn't report the validation failure very helpfully, i.e it doesn't clearly identify what criteria caused the check to fail, it just gives you a long list of parameters which it has failed to validate. I'll try again later, but if anyone can help me out with a driver profile which works it will save me some swearing! :lol: [/quote] It's easy to make a mistake when copying data into winISD. Different manufacturers show data in different units. The two I've found easiest to confuse are the figures for "Cms" and "Sd". Beyma use micrometer/newtons for Cms while most others manufacturers use mm/newtons. Likewise with "Sd", Beyma uses numbers in Metres Squared while other manufacturers and winISD demand the unit in Square centimetres. So just watch your units. It's easy to end up with a fundamental resonance of 1850!!! Enter the basic data as per the help file. Perhaps the first 5 paramenters, Qes, Qms, Vas, Mms and Cms - wait - allow a few seconds for winISD to do its work in the background and it will start to produce data in the calculation fields (blue text). Enter the more universal data like "Z" (8 Ohms) for the impedance and the power rating "Pe" - 350 watts. Try saving data. If the dialogue panel shows up those irritating errors, go back & delete the last item of entered data such as BL, for example. Wait again. winISD will recalaculate in the background. Try saving again. When you don't have the errors, then save your data. You can always recall the saved data and enter more at a later time. It's always best to let winISD do the calculations, but don't be surprised if the "Fs" or some other parameter differs from the manufacturers by (in this case 0.56 HZ). Good luck, Balcro
  23. Only caught the last 4 songs from Mick Hucknall, Graham (I wish I wasn't here) Coxon, The Merseybeats and Beverly Knight. Did they really record like that? All in one room with no separation or isolation of instruments. Sound smearing & leaking out from one microphone and instrument to the next. Gee! It was OK. The Merseybeats production seemed to be the closest in spirit, but oh, Beverley Knight. EEeeeeeggggggghhhhh aaaagh ooooohhhh oooooooooohhhhhhhhh, yeahhhh, yeeaaahhh. Please please me and recreate the essence of the original. That's what she was supposed to be doing, not turn it into a fake-soul-fest. Balcro
  24. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=a2L3g0cjbXM Complete on this occasion with Acoustic Bass loveliness
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