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Everything posted by lushuk

  1. Gear for music, 1 year + 4 years extended for £23 I thought that was a bargain, for the same total price Thomann offers 3year warranty
  2. Yeah i read that, test day 2moro so fingers crossed, it was the 5 year warranty that clinched it, they do seem good value! Im going to fix my 7 pro with a new Rev H board so ill either sell it or keep it as a spare............. we shall see!
  3. Well I've gone for the pf800 with 5 years warranty, fingers crossed it will keep me going for a bit
  4. Ive heard a few people who have tried both say the same Ian, yep I'm ok with the weight the only thing id consider changing it for would be the NV610 Berg, but I'm not that stressed, need to sort a head out 1st
  5. Paul it is a great head, stacks of power, great eq, svt sound of you want , useable compression, lightweight etc etc bit of course there is a big BUT, yes Ian still love I've looked at others and tried/borrowed different cabs but the HD keeps out performing, I've had guys with big ampeg stack looking at it and asking how does that sound come out of that which sums it up I guess, it looks weak on our gear laden stage but handles it with a breeze, I often wonder why anyone would buy anything else, but I guess you may agree with some of that 😃😃😃
  6. Hi Ian, wasn't the pf800 also unreliable like the 7 pro?
  7. Not very Christmas spirit Jap Axe but you do have a point 😃😃😃😃 I'll maybe try something 2nd hand and see how 500w shapes up!
  8. I was going on the advice of Jim Bergantino that the cabs work better with big power, i took his word for it!
  9. Here you go, this is my cab
  10. No just what bass direct recommend to get the best from the cab, I think to be fair we are just a pub band who get a kick from having a ott stage show in a pub and it seems to work, we generally have a few hundred come to watch (more determined by venue size) and we have venues on a waiting list for us to play at........... We are by no means the best musicians but we put a lot into it and most of all have fun 😄
  11. Well we do put noise and strobe warnings on the doors, we are described as a stadium band in a pub as we take a big show out, lights stage, lasers, etc, maybe to loud for some but we can't turn the drummer down As for do I need 1k, that's the recommended power for the cab
  12. 2 full Marshall stacks and the drummer from hell lol, trust me you need it, we need a screen for the drummer
  13. The pro 7 is 1000w although it's been measured nearer 800w 😄 It's a Berg cab
  14. So you like Aguilar 😄 I looked those but the tonehammer only does 500w, they recommend 1000w for my cab 😢
  15. I contacted Polar Audio, and they said they will talk to Ampeg and see what they say but don't hold you breathe type of thing, in the meantime I'll look out for something 2nd hand I reckon, there's a streamliner in the classifieds, or will that be the same class problems
  16. Cheers for you thoughts guys, yeah it is a great sound especially with my Berg cab, i wasn't the original purchaser so I'm guessing that makes a difference to what colgraff is saying, although i have the purchase receipt, heres a quick timeline! Purchased March 2012 £658 New amp fitted by Ampeg March 2013 Repair June 2014 £84 Repair Aug 2015 £130 Repair Oct 2015 £75 Amp fail Dec 2015 Certainly on the last 2 repairs were different components, i will phone Polar Audio and see what they say but i guess it will be a bit to late as its 3 3/4 years old.............. i just have to decide to go for the repair or get a new or 2nd hand head
  17. Well my amp went down again, just out of warranty it's had a new amp section by polar audio and 3 repairs, I love the amp when it works, I only use it for around 40-50 hours a year, so do I get it repaired again or give up, so far it's clocked up £200 of repairs......... Just disappointed (it was a rev c and had the new amp section just over a year ago!
  18. Ha ha, interesting responses, we use a theramin at the moment its ok but room for improvement hence why i thought id see if it could be done, we do a well rocked up version of this and it goes down a bomb, not as much as our rock version of Mama Mia but still! Yes it is a Yam keyboard on the original i think, i had heard this instrument isolation software was pretty good these days, thanks for your thoughts!
  19. Hi guys, my band are doing a cover of Crazy Horses (Osmonds) (no jokes please ) i need to somehow extract the horse sound effect which was done on the keyboard, has anyone tried the software where you can extract certain instruments? will it be any good for that sort of thing, or if anyone knows where i can get the sound effect please let me know, thanks for any help
  20. Brought a Fender GL Jazz bass from George, the whole transaction was simple, perfect description of the bass (in fact it was better than i hoped) sent on time with all the information one could wish for, he is assigned with buying my next bass thanks George!
  21. Thank you 😄 I'll check out some reviews
  22. Hi there, how old is this amp? is there any issues at all however small? has it ever been repaired? many thanks
  23. [quote name='Kohpnyn' timestamp='1434753058' post='2802656'] I can't really think of any other basses I want than one of the Yamaha's and I really ought to be trying to get some money out of it more [/quote] I can add some cash if you fancy a punt 😃
  24. Any other trades (Ibanez sr600) ?
  25. Ade brought my Trace Elliot practice (at a very cheap price i hasten to add) it was a simple, friendly transaction with excellent communication throughout, thank you .............. if Carlsberg did basschat transactions....................
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