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About karlplaysbass

  • Birthday 02/12/1994

karlplaysbass's Achievements


Rookie (2/14)


Total Watts

  1. Hi everyone Ive been looking into taking music a bit more serious lately and have been looking into joining a function band but I cant seem to see how you get your foot in the door and I was wondering if anyone had any advice? thanks in advance karl
  2. aww man this is the dream bass
  3. hey everyone im looking to get more into playing in bristol and i though looking into jam nights would be a good idea, i was wondering which ones everyone though was good and also though it might be a good idea to see if i can find some people who go to them so i dont go knowing no one thanks in advance karl
  4. sweet cheers man
  5. dont suppose you have anymore pictures?
  6. dont suppose you have any interest in any trades?
  7. where you playing a warwick bass through this?
  8. hey everyone, i was just wondering what everyone though of ashdowns combos, specially if possible the ABM series c210-300 combo. i havent had to much experience with ashdown the most experience i have had is with head a cabs, so i though i would look for some advice. thanks in advance
  9. hey everyone question for you jazz players out there, im looking into 2 feel jazz bass lines and was just wondering how to go about them and how to practise them, also if theres any online lessons anyone knows about or any good songs to look at that would be cool. cheers in advance
  10. you can learn so much from just one video its crazy
  11. hi everyone recently ive been practising my jazz walking bass lines alot and was looking for some more inspiration and was wondering if anyone could suggest some players to look at.cheers
  12. my readings not to great atm im practising it though
  13. cheers man i will check them out
  14. hey everyone again. i recently found out i have more time to wait untill my uni course starts up again and was feeling this might be the perfect time to start depping but i was wondering where/how to start? and is there advice any one would care to share? cheers
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